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Vitamin C                                              禦系統的一部分。當Wellmune被吸收時,免疫細胞會從消
        Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid, is a vitamin mostly found   化道把Wellmune帶到身體上的免疫器官。在那裡,稱為巨
        in fresh fruits and vegetables. Foods that are rich in vitamin
        C include peppers, citrus fruits and juices, Brussels sprouts,   噬細胞的免疫細胞,把Wellmune消化成較小的碎片,並在
        cauliflower, cabbage, kale, collards, mustard greens, broccoli,   數天時間內慢慢釋放它們。當釋放Wellmune碎片時,碎片
        spinach and strawberries. It is important to note that cooking   會和嗜中性粒細胞上的特定受體(CR3)結合,而身體內最多
        and heat destroy vitamin C. Ascorbic acid is best known for its   的免疫細胞就是嗜中性粒細胞。Wellmune可支援在體內
        antioxidant properties.  The capacity of vitamin C to support
        the immune system seems to be common knowledge.  The   的嗜中性粒細胞和促進細胞的正常活動,包括促進免疫系
        body does not manufacture vitamin C on its own, nor does it   統健康。它還支援負責吞噬和消滅外來細菌工作的吞噬細
        store it. Therefore, vitamin C must be acquired through diet and   胞,從而促進免疫系統的健康。臨床研究表明,Wellmune有
        Zinc is largely found in fortified cereals, red meats, eggs, poultry   維他命C
        and certain seafood, including oysters. Zinc is an essential trace   維他命C也稱為抗壞血酸,最常見於新鮮蔬果中。富含維
        mineral that supports approximately 300 different enzyme   他命C的食物包括椒類、柑橘類水果與果汁、椰菜仔、椰菜
        reactions.  Thus,  zinc  plays  a  part  in  almost  all  biochemical
        pathways and physiological processes. More than 90 percent of   花、椰菜、甘蘭、綠葉甘藍、芥菜、西蘭花、菠菜及士多啤
        the body’s zinc is stored in the bones and muscles, but zinc is   梨。請注意,烹調和熱力會破壞維他命C的活性。維他命C以
        also found in virtually all body tissues. It has been claimed that   抗氧化這特性聞名。維他命C有助保持健康的好處幾乎人
        zinc supports immune health. Because zinc is involved in such
        a great number of enzymatic processes, it has been found to   人皆知。人體不能自行製造維他命C,也無法將其儲存在體
        support a large range of functions, including energy production   內,所以必須透過飲食和營養補充品攝取。
        and cognitive function.
        Scientific Support:                                    富含鋅的食物包括營養穀類食品、紅肉、蛋類、家禽和蠔等
        •  Bauer, J., et al. The effectiveness of a specialised oral nutrition   海產。鋅是人體必要的微量礦物質,支持大約300種不同的
           supplement on outcomes in patients with chronic wounds:
           a pragmatic randomised study. J Hum Nutr Diet. 2013 [Epub   酵素反應。因此,鋅在大多的生化途徑和生理過程發揮作
           ahead of print]                                     用。體內超過90%的鋅均存儲在骨骼和肌肉內,但鋅也存在
        •  Carpenter, K., et al. Br Baker’s yeast β-glucan supplementation   於絕大多數的身體組織內。鋅一直被視為支持免疫系統健
           increases  monocytes  and  cytokines  post-exercise:  康的關鍵。由於鋅涉及這麼多的酵素反應,它可以支持身體
           implications for infection risk? British J Nutr. 10:1-9, 2012.
        •  Feldman, S., et al. Randomized Phase II Clinical  Trials of   廣泛的功能,包括認知功能和生產能量。
           Wellmune WGP® for Immune Support During Cold and Flu
           Season. The Journal of Applied Research. 9:20-42, 2009.  科學支持:
        •  Fuller, R., et al.  Influence of yeast-derived 1,3/1,6   •  Bauer, J., et al. The effectiveness of a specialised oral nutrition
           glucopolysaccharide  on  circulating  cytokines  and   supplement on outcomes in patients with chronic wounds:
           chemokines with respect to upper respiratory tract infections.   a pragmatic randomised study. J Hum Nutr Diet. 2013 [Epub
           Nutrition. 28(6):665-9, 2012.                          ahead of print]
        •  Haase, H., et al. . Correlation between zinc status and immune   •  Carpenter, K., et al. Br Baker’s yeast β-glucan supplementation
           function in the elderly. Biogerontology. 7(5-6):421-8., 2006.   increases  monocytes  and  cytokines  post-exercise:
           Review.                                                implications for infection risk? British J Nutr. 10:1-9, 2012.
        •  Haase, H. and Rink, L. The immune system and the impact of   •  Feldman, S., et al. Randomized Phase II Clinical  Trials of
           zinc during aging. Immun Ageing. 12;6:9, 2009.         Wellmune WGP® for Immune Support During Cold and Flu
        •  Hemila, H. and Douglas, R. Vitamin C and acute respiratory   Season. The Journal of Applied Research. 9:20-42, 2009.
           infections. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 3:756-761, 1999.  •  Fuller, R., et al.  Influence of yeast-derived 1,3/1,6
        •  Hunt, C., et al. The clinical effects of vitamin C supplementation   glucopolysaccharide  on  circulating  cytokines  and
           in elderly hospitalized patients with acute respiratory   chemokines with respect to upper respiratory tract infections.
           infections. Int J Vitam Nutr Res 1994;64:212-9.        Nutrition. 28(6):665-9, 2012.
        •  Kajimoto,  T., et al. Influence of Continuous Intake of   •  Haase, H., et al. . Correlation between zinc status and immune
           Glucopolysaccharide  (GPS)  Derived from Baker’s  Yeast on   function in the elderly. Biogerontology. 7(5-6):421-8., 2006.
           Mood and Emotional States Biotherapy. 24(3):255-259, 2010.  Review.
        •  Manning, J., et al. Vitamin C Promotes Maturation of T-Cells.   •  Haase, H. and Rink, L. The immune system and the impact of
           Antioxid Redox Signal. 2013 Feb 5. [Epub ahead of print]  zinc during aging. Immun Ageing. 12;6:9, 2009.
        •  Navalta, J., et al. 2012. Baker’s yeast beta glucan supplementation   •  Hemila, H. and Douglas, R. Vitamin C and acute respiratory
           reduces the number of cold/flu symptomatic days after   infections. Int J Tuberc Lung Dis. 3:756-761, 1999.
           completing a marathon. Presented at the 2012 American   •  Hunt, C., et al. The clinical effects of vitamin C supplementation
           College of Sports Medicine, San Francisco, CA.         in elderly hospitalized patients with acute respiratory
        •  Talbott, S. and  Talbott, J. 2011. Baker’s  Yeast beta-glucan   infections. Int J Vitam Nutr Res 1994;64:212-9.
           supplement reduces allergy symptoms and improves quality   •  Kajimoto,  T., et al. Influence of Continuous Intake of
           of life in ragweed sufferers. Presented at Experimental Biology   Glucopolysaccharide  (GPS)  Derived from Baker’s  Yeast on
           2011, Washington D.C.                                  Mood and Emotional States Biotherapy. 24(3):255-259, 2010.
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