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• Talbott, S. and Talbott, J. Beta 1,3/1,6 Glucan Decreases • Manning, J., et al. Vitamin C Promotes Maturation of T-Cells.
Upper Respiratory Tract Infection Symptoms and Improves Antioxid Redox Signal. 2013 Feb 5. [Epub ahead of print]
Psychological Well-Being in Moderate to Highly-Stressed • Navalta, J., et al. 2012. Baker’s yeast beta glucan supplementation
Subjects. Agro Food Industry Hi-Tech. 21:21-24, 2010. reduces the number of cold/flu symptomatic days after
• Talbott, S. and Talbott, J. Effect of Beta 1,3/1,6 Glucan on Upper completing a marathon. Presented at the 2012 American
Respiratory Tract Infection Symptoms and Mood State in College of Sports Medicine, San Francisco, CA.
Marathon Athletes. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine. • Talbott, S. and Talbott, J. 2011. Baker’s Yeast beta-glucan
8:509-515, 2009. supplement reduces allergy symptoms and improves quality
• Talbott, S., et al.. 2010. Beta-glucan supplement reduces of life in ragweed sufferers. Presented at Experimental Biology
upper respiratory tract infections and improves mood state 2011, Washington D.C.
in healthy stress subjects. Presented at Experimental Biology, • Talbott, S. and Talbott, J. Beta 1,3/1,6 Glucan Decreases
Anaheim, CA. Upper Respiratory Tract Infection Symptoms and Improves
Psychological Well-Being in Moderate to Highly-Stressed
Frequently Asked Questions Subjects. Agro Food Industry Hi-Tech. 21:21-24, 2010.
What will Isotonix Immune Powder Drink Orange • Talbott, S. and Talbott, J. Effect of Beta 1,3/1,6 Glucan on Upper
Flavor do for me? Respiratory Tract Infection Symptoms and Mood State in
Isotonix Immune Powder Drink Orange Flavor is designed to Marathon Athletes. Journal of Sports Science and Medicine.
help support immune health and promote the beneficial activity 8:509-515, 2009.
of your body’s own immune functions. • Talbott, S., et al.. 2010. Beta-glucan supplement reduces
upper respiratory tract infections and improves mood state
Who should use Isotonix Immune Powder Drink in healthy stress subjects. Presented at Experimental Biology,
Orange Flavor? Anaheim, CA.
Adults over the age of 18 who are interested in promoting their
immune health, optimizing their natural immune functions, 常見問題:
and promoting healthy energy levels and vitality throughout Isotonix®免疫提升沖飲-橙味對我有什麼好處?
the year.
How do you support strong immune health? 身體增強自身的免疫力。
There are many ways to support immune health including
exercise, good nutrition, proper rest and stress management. Isotonix免疫提升沖飲-橙味適合什麽人士呢?
There are also several nutrients that help promote immune 任何年滿18歲、希望促進其免疫系統健康、優化自己的免疫
health such as vitamin C, zinc and beta-glucan.
May I take Isotonix Immune Powder Drink Orange
Flavor with over-the-counter medications? 如何保持免疫系統健康?
As with any dietary supplement, you should consult your 有許多方法可保持免疫系統健康,包括運動,充足的營養,
healthcare provider before combining it with any prescription 適當的休息和壓力管理。適量的營養攝取也能促進免疫系
or over-the-counter medications.
How do I take Isotonix Immune Powder Drink Orange
Flavor? Isotonix免疫提升沖飲-橙味可和藥物一同服用嗎?
Pour 1 level, white bottle capful of powder into the overcap. 和其它的營養補充品一樣,一同服用處方或非處方藥物前,
Add water to the line on the overcap (60 ml) and stir. As a 請諮詢醫護人員。
health food, take once daily or as directed by your healthcare
provider. Maximum absorption occurs when taken on an
empty stomach. 如何飲用Isotonix免疫提升沖飲-橙味?
Should I take Isotonix Immune Powder Drink Orange 至瓶杯線上(60毫升),攪拌後飲用。本產品為健康食品,每
Flavor every day? 天飲用一次或按醫護人員指示飲用。空腹飲用效果最佳。
Immune should be taken daily. Immune health is important
for the body, so you should provide the immune system with
constant support in order to maintain optimal health and Isotonix免疫提升沖飲-橙味適合天天飲用嗎?
general well-being. 免疫提升沖飲-橙味可每天飲用。健康的免疫系統對人體
Is Isotonix Immune Powder Drink Orange Flavor safe? 統保持最佳的健康狀態。
The product is safe and free of harmful agents. The product
is made in the United States in FDA-inspected facilities using
Good Manufacturing Practices. Customers can have confidence 使用Isotonix免疫提升沖飲-橙味安全嗎?
in the quality and safety of this product. 此產品安全及不含有害物質。本產品在美國製造,並於經