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transporting and releasing energy from fats. Thiamin, riboflavin,   過程。Isotonix全效維他命B群沖飲為人體提供維他命B12、B2
        niacin, and biotin participate in different aspects of energy   (核黃素)、B6、葉酸、維他命B3(菸鹼酸)、B5、B1及生物
        production.                                            素。葉酸與B12合作能分解、利用及製造新蛋白質。維他命B5

        Isotonix Advanced B-Complex Powder Drink works by      則參與能量產生過程,並是製造神經傳導物乙醯膽鹼的必
        supporting normal red blood cell formation, energy levels,   要成份,亦是由脂肪產生、輸送及釋放能量的必要元素。硫
        cognitive health and cardiovascular health. It may also help   胺素、核黃素、菸鹼酸及生物素從多方面參與能量產生的
        with stress and improve mood. B vitamins are necessary for   過程。
        proper functioning of the nervous system.
        Key Ingredients                                        支援能量水平、認知健康及心血管健康,同時或有助改善壓
        Vitamin B12                                            力及情緒。對於神經系統的正常功能,維他命B是不可或缺
        Vitamin B12, a bacterial product, is found in organ meats, liver,   的營養。
        beef, pork, eggs, whole milk, cheese, whole wheat bread and
        fish. Small amounts can also be derived from the fermented
        soy products miso and tempeh. It is essential that vegetarians
        consume a vitamin B12 supplement to maintain optimal health.   主要成份
        Vitamin B12 participates in the metabolism of energy.  維他命B12
        Folic Acid                                             肉、豬肉、蛋、全脂奶、芝士、全麥麵包及魚類中。此外,少
        Folic acid is mainly found in fruits and vegetables. Dark leafy   量維他命B12亦可提取自麵豉及豆豉等經發酵的大豆製品。
        greens, oranges, orange juice, beans and peas are the best
        sources, as well as Brewer’s yeast, which supply additional   對素食者來說,服用維他命B12補充品以維持最佳健康是非
        B  vitamins.  Folic  acid  and  B12  work  together  in  helping  to   常重要的。維他命B12參與能量的代謝過程。
        maintain normal red blood cells. Folic acid is a component of
        co-enzymes. It participates in the formation of nucleic acid and   葉酸
        nucleic protein.                                       葉酸主要存在於水果及蔬菜中;深綠葉植物、橙、橙汁、豆

        Vitamin B2
        Vitamin B2 is found in liver, dairy products, dark green   是葉酸的來源之一,也提供額外的B類維他命。葉酸與維他
        vegetables and some types of seafood. Vitamin B2 serves as a   命B12互相合作,以助維持正常的紅血球細胞。此外,葉酸
        co-enzyme, working with other B vitamins. It promotes healthy   是輔酵素的其中一種成份,它參與核酸及核蛋白的形成。
        red blood cell formation and supports the nervous system.
        Vitamin B2 plays a crucial role in turning food into energy.
        Vitamin B2 aids in the breakdown of fats while functioning as a   維他命B2
        co-factor or helper in activating B6 and folic acid. Vitamin B2 is   維他命B2存在於肝臟、奶類產品、深綠色蔬菜及部份海產
        water-soluble and must be replenished daily.           中。維他命B2的角色是輔酵素,與其他B類維他命合作。維
        Vitamin B6                                             促進食物轉化成能量的過程。此外,維他命B2協助脂肪分
        Poultry, fish, whole grains  and bananas are  the main  dietary   解,並作為輔因子或協助者活化B6及葉酸。維他命B2為水溶
        sources of vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 is a co-factor required for
        protein  and  amino  acid  metabolism.  It  participates  in  the   性,必須每日補充。
        metabolism of amino acids. Some athletic supplements include
        vitamin B6 because it aids in the conversion of glycogen to   維他命B6
        glucose for energy in muscle tissue. Vitamin B6 has been shown   家禽、魚類、全穀物及香蕉是維他命B6的主要食物來源。維
        to help support cardiovascular health. Vitamin B6 should be
        administered as a part of a complex of other B-vitamins for best   他命B6是蛋白質及氨基酸代謝作用所需的輔因子。維他命
        results.                                               B6參與氨基酸的代謝作用。部份運動員適用的補充品亦含
        Magnesium                                              織的能量。攝取維他命B6顯示有助支援心血管健康。維他命
        Foods rich in magnesium include unpolished grains, nuts   B6應與其他維他命B群成員一同服用,以達到最佳效果。
        and green vegetables. Green leafy vegetables are potent
        sources of magnesium because of their chlorophyll content.
        Meats, starches, milk, refined and processed foods contain low   鎂
        amounts of magnesium. Magnesium is a component of the   富含鎂的食物包括未經打磨的穀物、果仁及綠色蔬菜。綠
        mineralized part of bone, and is necessary for the metabolism   葉菜由於含大量葉綠素,因此是鎂的豐富來源。肉類、澱粉
        of potassium and calcium in adults. Magnesium helps to   質、奶類及加工食品的鎂含量低。鎂是骨頭內礦物質部份的
        support cardiovascular health, muscles and nerves.     其中一種成份,是成年人正常鉀及鈣代謝作用的必要元素。
        Magnesium participates in energy release, helping the
        body handle stress and regulating metabolism. Importantly,
        magnesium is also used by the body to build healthy bones   鎂參與能量的釋放、協助身體應付壓力及調節新陳代謝。重
        and teeth.                                             要的是,人體需要鎂建立健康骨骼及牙齒。
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