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Isotonix® Advanced B-Complex Powder Drink
HK13001 – Single Bottle (90 Servings)
Primary Benefits 主要好處
4 Supports normal red blood cell formation 4 支援正常的紅血球形成
4 Supports energy levels 4 支援能量水平
4 May help with stress and improve mood 4 可有助改善壓力及情緒
4 Supports cardiovascular health 4 支援心血管健康
4 Involved in the metabolism of proteins, 4 參與蛋白質、脂肪及碳水化合物的代謝
fats and carbohydrates 作用
4 B-vitamins are essential for many key 4 維他命B群為人體多種主要功能不可缺
functions in the body 少的要素
4 Deficiencies in folic acid, vitamin B12,
vitamin B6 or biotin may result in 4 缺乏葉酸、維他命B12、B6或生物素或
feelings of fatigue 會導致感到疲累
4 Supports cognitive health 4 支援認知功能健康
4 Vitamin B12 and folic acid provide 4 維他命B12及葉酸支援神經系統健康
dietary support for a healthy 與核酸及核蛋白的形成
neuro-system and for the formation of
nucleic acids and nucleic proteins 4 維他命B5是由脂肪產生、輸送及釋放
4 Vitamin B5 is essential in producing, 能量的必要元素
transporting and releasing energy 4 維他命B6是氨基酸代謝過程的必要
from fats 元素
4 Vitamin B6 is essential for amino acid
metabolism 4 維他命B1、B2、B3及生物素從多方面參
4 Vitamins B1, B2, B3 and biotin participate 與能量產生過程
in different aspects of energy production
What Makes Isotonix Advanced 此產品有何獨特之處?
B-Complex Powder Drink Unique? 挑選 最 佳營養 補充品的兩個最 重要元素是吸收與效
The two most important components when searching for 用,Isotonix系列兩者兼備。Isotonix營養補充品適當地與水
the best nutritional supplements are absorption and potency. 混合時,即可達到與眼淚及血漿等體液相似的酸鹼度及滲
Isotonix is unparalleled in these areas. Isotonix dietary 透壓。為使營養能有效地被人體吸收,所有食物必須轉化成
supplements, when appropriately mixed with water, have a
similar pH and osmotic pressure as some of the body’s fluids, 等壓狀態。在腸道裡,Isotonix產品受稀釋的程度極低,因此
such as tears and plasma. In order for meaningful absorption Isotonix獨特卓越的系統讓強效配方
of nutritional content to take place, all food must be converted 內的營養在人體中獲得最佳的傳送
into an isotonic state. In the GI tract, Isotonix experiences 和吸收效果。
minimal dilution. This allows for superior delivery and maximum
absorption of the most potent formulations through the Isotonix全效維他命B群沖飲是等壓
Isotonix unique delivery system.
Isotonix Advanced B-Complex Powder Drink is an 要維他命B、鎂及鉀。這些營養互相
isotonic-capable combination of the essential B vitamins 合作,支援人體多方面的健康及生物
with magnesium and potassium, which work synergistically to
promote a myriad of health benefits and biological processes
in the body. Isotonix B-Complex Powder Drink provides the
vitamins B12, B2 (riboflavin), B6, folic acid, vitamins B3 (niacin),
B5, B1 and biotin. Folic acid works along with B12 to help the
body break down, use and create new proteins. Vitamin B5
is involved in the energy production and is needed to make
the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, as well as producing,