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function and supports energy expenditure, thereby promoting 正常的血小板活動、血管舒張及血液流動,這一切都能支援
healthy weight. In an in vivo test conducted on mice on a high- 心血管健康。
calorie diet, resveratrol shifts the physiology of middle-aged
mice on a high-calorie diet towards that of mice on a standard 作為另類的策略,有新研究專注於限制熱量的發展上,專門
diet and promotes their overall health. 研究透過挑選出受限制熱量影響的新陳代謝及壓力反應途
BioVin Advanced (French Red Wine Extract with 5% 視為潛在的限制熱量模擬物。
Red wine extract, containing oligomeric proanthocyanidins 給老鼠餵食白藜蘆醇大大增加其有氧代謝能力。白藜蘆醇促
(OPCs), is known to be extremely effective in cardiovascular 進健康的線粒體功能,並支援能量消耗,藉此促進健康體重。
health by supporting normal blood circulation, strengthening 一項對高熱量飲食老鼠的活體測試顯示,白藜蘆醇使高熱量
blood vessels, and promoting normal platelet activity.
BioVin Advanced provides both OPCs and resveratrol. 飲食的中年老鼠的生理狀況變得像一般熱量飲食的老鼠一
The red wine grape contains two main constituents shown 樣,並促進其整體健康。
to be of significant antioxidant value: red wine polyphenols
(flavonoids) and trans-resveratrol (mentioned above). BioVin Advanced
Oligomeric proanthocyanidins are flavonoid complexes that (含5%白藜蘆醇的法國紅酒萃取物)
act as super potent antioxidants in the human body. BioVin
Advanced combines the antioxidant properties of OPCs with 含有原花色素(OPC)的紅酒萃取物,透過支援正常的血液循
trans-resveratrol to promote phase 2 metabolizing enzymes, 環、鞏固血管壁及促進正常的血小板活動,對心血管健康極
which are involved in the detoxification of the body’s cells, and 為有效。BioVin Advanced能提供原花色素及白藜蘆醇。紅酒
general free-radical scavenging properties. 葡萄有兩種主要成份顯示擁有強效抗氧化能力:紅酒多酚類
VitaBlue Wild Blueberry Extract (類黃酮)及反式白藜蘆醇(以上曾提及)。原花色素是類黃
(12.5% anthocyanins) 50 mg 酮複合物,能作為人體內超強的抗氧化物。BioVin Advanced
Blueberries rank one of the highest among many fruits 結合原花色素及反式白藜蘆醇的抗氧化特質,以促進第二期
and vegetables for ORAC activity and contain 30 different 代謝作用酵素,這些酵素參與人體細胞的解毒作用,並參與
types of anthocyanins. Anthocyanins give blueberries 清除自由基特質。
(and other fruits) their rich blue and red coloring, and are
powerful flavonoid antioxidants. The mechanism of action
surrounding anthocyanins has been studied at the molecular VitaBlue 野生藍莓萃取物(12.5%花青素)50毫克
level. Pterostilbene, a key compound found in blueberries, 在眾多水果及蔬菜中,藍莓的氧自由基吸收能力名列前茅,它
is chemically related to resveratrol. Its effects are similar to 含有25-30種不同的花青素。花青素給予藍莓(及其他水果)
resveratrol and include promoting cellular and cardiovascular 豐富的藍及紅色,是強效的類黃酮抗氧化物。花青素的作用
health. Blueberries provide large amounts of chlorogenic acid,
which is thought to be important in promoting cellular health. 機制曾在分子層面被研究過,結果顯示花青素擁有促進細
VitaBlue Wild Blueberry Extract contains COX-2 inhibitors and 胞健康的作用。藍莓中有一重要成份為紫檀芪,在化學性質
provides powerful antioxidants in much higher quantities 上與白藜蘆醇相關聯。紫檀芪的功效與白藜蘆醇相似,其中
than fresh blueberries. It has been shown to be effective in 包括促進細胞健康及心血管健康。藍莓提供大量綠原酸,綠
promoting cardiovascular health, contributing to normal cell 原酸被認為對促進細胞健康非常重要。VitaBlue野生藍莓萃
cycle traverse, and maintaining overall cellular health.
Frequently Asked Questions 藍莓能提供的更大量強效抗氧化物。VitaBlue野生藍莓萃取
Isotonix® Resveratrol contains wine extracts. Is it 物顯示對促進心血管健康有效,並能促進正常細胞週期的進
alcohol free? 展,及維持整體細胞健康。
Yes. Isotonix Resveratrol is alcohol free.
I am currently taking medication to manage my Isotonix®白藜蘆醇含有酒萃取物,此產品是否不含酒
cholesterol. Can I still take Isotonix® Resveratrol?
There are no documented interactions with cholesterol 精成份?
medication and any of the ingredients in Isotonix Resveratrol. 是。Isotonix白藜蘆醇不含酒精成份。
However, before taking any natural supplement, you should
consult your physician. 我現在正服用控制膽固醇水平的藥物,我可以同時
Who should take this product? 現時,沒有文獻記載控制膽固醇藥物與白藜蘆醇所含有的任
If you are interested in promoting cellular health and
maintaining good cardiovascular health, then Isotonix® 何成份有相互影響。然而,服用任何天然補充品前,請先諮
Resveratrol is perfect for you. 詢你的醫生。
Are there any contraindications for Isotonix® 哪些人應服用此產品?
Resveratrol? 若你想提升細胞健康並維持良好的心血管健康,那麼
Yes. If you are currently taking warfarin (Coumadin) or other
anti-platelet/anti-coagulant, you should not take this product. Isotonix Resveratrol白藜蘆醇就最適合你服用。
If you are taking monoamine oxidase inhibiting (MAOI) drugs,
you should not take this product. Women with a history of
estrogen-sensitive cancers, such as breast, ovarian and uterine,