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Vitamin B6                                             程或因暴露於氧氣而受到破壞。
        Poultry, fish, whole grains  and bananas are  the main  dietary
        sources of Vitamin B6. Vitamin B6 acts as a co-factor in the body   維他命C於左旋色胺酸轉變為血清素的過程中十分重要,
        and participates in the metabolism of amino acids.
        Vitamin B6 plays a key role in the conversion of L-tryptophan
        to serotonin.                                          菸鹼酸
        Frequently Asked Questions
        How do I take Isotonix® L-Tryptophan?                  維他命B6
        For sleep support: Take 30 minutes prior to bedtime. Pour
        1 level, white bottle capful of powder into the overcap. Add 60   維他命B6的主要來源是家禽、魚類、全穀類及香蕉。維他
        ml (line on the overcap indicates 60 ml) of water and stir. For   命B6是構成輔酵素的一種成份,並參與胺基酸的代謝。
        mood enhancement:  Pour 1 level, white bottle capful of
        powder into the overcap. Add 60 ml of water and stir. Maximum   左旋色胺酸轉變為血清素的過程中,維他命B6扮演著重
        absorption occurs when taken on an empty stomach. As a   要的角色。
        dietary supplement take once daily or as directed by your
        healthcare provider.
        Are there any warnings associated with taking          我應如何使用Isotonix®左旋色胺酸-寧神安睡配方?
        Isotonix® L-Tryptophan?                                幫助入睡:睡前半小時飲用。將一小瓶蓋(白色螺旋蓋)
        If you are currently taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOI)   的粉末倒入透明瓶杯中,加水至瓶杯線上(60毫升),攪
        or other antidepressants such as Zoloft or Paxil, psychoactive
        or tranquilizing drugs such as Clonopin or Valium, or pain   拌後飲用。幫助紓緩情緒:將一小瓶蓋(白色螺旋蓋)的
        medications such as Demerol or Ultram, you should consult   粉末倒入透明瓶杯中,加水至瓶杯線上(60毫升),攪拌
        your physician before using this product. If you are taking any   後飲用。空肚飲用時效果最佳。本產品為健康食品,每天
        other prescription drugs or have an ongoing medical condition,   飲用一次或按醫護人員指示飲用。
        you should consult your physician before using this product.
        Take this supplement separately from prescription medications.
        Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should not use this   使用Isotonix®左旋色胺酸 - 寧神安睡配方有何注
        product. Do not drive or operator heavy machinery until you   意事項?
        know how this product can affect you as drowsiness may occur.  如果你正在服用單胺氧化酶抑制劑(MAOI)或其他抗抑鬱
        Are there any allergens associated with Isotonix®      如利福全錠或地西泮、止痛藥物例如配西汀或曲馬朵、其
        There are no known allergens associated with Isotonix®   他處方藥物或患有長期疾病,請在使用本產品前向醫生
        L-Tryptophan. It is suitable for vegetarians.          諮詢。本產品應與處方藥物分開使用。婦女在懷孕或哺
        Why is Isotonix® L-Tryptophan important?               不宜駕駛或操作機器,除非你了解本產品對你的影響。
        Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that is the precursor for
        serotonin. It may help to enhance mood,  promote calmness
        and relaxation and enhance mental focus and memory.    Isotonix®左旋色胺酸 - 寧神安睡配方含有任何過敏
        What are some food sources rich in the amino acid      Isotonix®左旋色胺酸寧神安睡配方不含任何已知的過敏
        Tryptophan besides dairy products and turkey?          原。本產品適於素食者。
        Foods that are considered sources of tryptophan are dairy
        products, beef, poultry, barley, brown rice, fish, soybeans and   補充Isotonix®左旋色胺酸 - 寧神安睡配方有何重
        Which other products are good to  combined with        色胺酸是一種可轉化為血清素的必要氨基酸,有助改善
        Isotonix® L-Tryptophan?                                情緒、促進情緒平和及放鬆,並可幫助提升精神專注力及
        Those looking to support mood and relaxation may wish to   記憶力。
        combine Isotonix® L-Tryptophan with Isotonix® Advanced
        B-Complex, while those looking to promote sleep might use it
        with Isotonix® Calcium Plus.                           除奶類產品和火雞外,還有甚麼食物含豐富的色胺酸?
        When should I start to see/feel the effects of         都含有豐富的色胺酸。
        Isotonix® L-Tryptophan? What should I expect?
        The benefits of Isotonix® L-Tryptophan should be noticeable   Isotonix®左旋色胺酸 - 寧神安睡配方可與甚麼
        within a day of the first serving. Please remember that everyone’s
        body is different, so for some it may take more or less time to   產品配合使用?
        notice the benefits of Isotonix® L-Tryptophan. The isotonic state   如希望支援情緒平和及放鬆,可以Isotonix®全效維他命B群
        of the suspension allows nutrients to pass directly into the small   配合Isotonix®左旋色胺酸使用;如希望幫助入睡,則可以
        intestine and rapidly absorb into the bloodstream.
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