Page 19 - VISION
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Guarana Extract L-苯丙氨酸
As a dietary supplement, guarana is an effective energy booster. L-苯丙氨酸是一種氨基酸,作為促進正腎上腺素製造的先驅物質,
It enhances physical and mental performance, and suppresses
appetite. The seeds of guarana are known to be rich in xanthines 因此能提升精神警覺性。L-苯丙氨酸能燃燒脂肪,保持肌肉,保持
(caffeine) and have been widely used as a tonic in many South 一整日穩定的能量水平。此外,它能增加人體中令人「感覺良好」的
American countries, particularly Brazil. Most of the scientific 胺類,這對於生活繁忙而同時在節食的人來說是一大益處。這些胺
evidence on caffeine as a general stimulant and an aid to exercise 類有助於提升整體情緒,還有助於保持神經系統健康,並保持精神
performance shows convincingly that caffeine is effective. 的警覺性。
Guarana appears to assist in decreasing fatigue and promotes
L-Taurine: 作為口服補充品,瓜拉納能提升體能及精神的表現,而且抑制食
L-Taurine aids in the transport of potassium, sodium, calcium 慾,其種子也因其豐富的黃嘌呤(咖啡因)含量而為人所知,並廣泛
and magnesium in and out of cells, thus helping to generate 被南美洲國家特別是巴西用作提神食品。大部份科學證據都明確指
nerve impulses. It is related to the amino acid cysteine and aids
in micelle formation and fat absorption. Further, it promotes 出咖啡因作為一種興奮劑及體能表現輔助物是有效的。瓜拉納還似
alertness, mental energy and focus. Taurine also has antioxidant 乎有助於減輕疲勞及促進飽足感。
activities. It may also help maintain a healthy cardiovascular
system. L-牛磺酸
The mangosteen fruit contains compounds called xanthones, 生神經脈衝。L-牛磺酸有助於膠質粒子的形成以及脂肪吸收。
which are thought to have many benefits. The plant is also a 此外,它還提升警覺性、精神及專注力。牛磺酸還具有抗氧化
rich source of other bioactive molecules including flavonoids, 及穩定細胞膜的作用,它還有助保持健康的心血管系統。
benzophenones, lactones and phenolic acids. A variety of
xanthones can be isolated from mangosteen plants and fruits 山竹果
including the hull, rind, heartwood, and flesh. Some studies have
demonstrated that the xanthones found in mangosteen have 山竹果含有一種稱為氧二苯甲酮的化合物,據信其擁有多種益處。
antioxidant properties; six xanthones found in the mangosteen 山竹果還含有豐富的生物活性份子,包括類黃酮、苯甲酮、內酯及
fruit were isolated from the fruit peel. 酚酸。山竹樹及果實的各部份如種子的外皮、果實的外皮、心材及果
L-Tyrosine is an amino acid found naturally in our bodies. Tyrosine’s 酮擁有抗氧化特質,單是山竹果的外皮已經可以提取出六種氧二苯
main purpose is to support the formation of neurotransmitters 甲酮。
such as dopamine, epinephrine and norepinephrine. L-Tyrosine
accounts for as much as 90 percent of the production of these L-酪氨酸
neurotransmitters, which are synthesized directly from this L-酪氨酸是一種人體天然存在的氨基酸,其主要功能為支援神經
amino acid. Neurotransmitters are important because they
carry messages from one nerve cell to another, thereby playing 傳導物質的形成,其中包括多巴胺、腎上腺素腎及正腎上腺素素。L-
a vital role in our muscular function. Scientists say tyrosine can 酪氨酸負責高達90%神經傳導物質的形成,神經傳導物質直接由酪
naturally relieve everyday symptoms of mental and physical 氨酸合成。神經傳導物質對人體極為重要,因為這物質將訊息從一
fatigue. L-Tyrosine is believed to upgrade the production of 個神經細胞傳送至另一個,因此對我們的肌肉功能扮演著重要的
neurotransmitters and maintain healthy levels.
L-Glycine: 狀。L-酪氨酸據信能提升神經傳導物質的製造並維持健康水平。
Glycine is an important amino acid that aids in the body’s
synthesis of nonessential amino acids. Glycine is one of the few L-甘氨酸
amino acids that can spare glucose for energy by improving 甘氨酸是一種重要的氨基酸,有助人體其他非必要氨基酸的合成。
glycogen storage. Glycine is readily converted into creatine. The 甘氨酸是少數幾種氨基酸之一,能藉著改善糖原儲存來騰出葡萄糖
body requires glycine for the maintenance of the central nervous
system. 作能量之用。甘氨酸能隨時轉化成肌酸。人體需要甘氨酸來維持中
Yerba Maté:
Yerba Maté stimulates the central nervous system. It also breaks 馬黛茶
down sugars and fats in the body. It is largely used to fight 馬黛茶能刺激中樞神經系統,並分解體內的糖份及脂肪。馬黛茶
fatigue. Also yerba maté has been found to be helpful for heart
health. Yerba maté creates a powerful synergistic treatment for 被廣泛用作對付疲勞,此外,還被發現有助於心臟健康。馬黛茶是
mental and physical fatigue. Yerba maté is used worldwide as a 精神及體力疲累的強效增加效用的治療物,在世界各地被廣泛用
rejuvenator, body energizer and stimulator of mental alertness. 作回復青春、提升體力及刺激精神警覺性的食品。
Vitamin B5, B6, B12, and Niacinamide 維他命B5、B6、B12及菸鹼酸
A vitamin B-complex plays an important role in promoting a
healthy immune system, aiding in carbohydrate metabolism for 維他命B群在促進健康免疫系統、輔助碳水化合物代謝以產生能
energy, and promoting cognitive health and function. 量、及促進健康的認知功能表現上,均扮演重要的角色。