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Product Name: Isotonix® Vitamin C
Isotonix® 維他命C
HK13033 – Single Bottle Value Size (90 Servings)
單瓶裝 (90次份量)
Primary Benefits: 主要好處:
4 Promotes optimal immune functions
4 Provides antioxidant protection 4 促進理想免疫功能
4 Promotes normal regulation of heart 4 提供抗氧化保護
4 Promotes cognitive health 4 促進正常的心臟功能
4 Promotes skeleton, muscle and skin 4 促進認知健康
4 Helps maintain healthy cholesterol 4 促進骨骼、肌肉及皮膚的健康
levels 4 有助維持健康的膽固醇水平
What Makes This Product Unique? 此產品有何獨特之處?
The two most important factors when searching for the best 挑選最佳營養補充品的兩個最重要元素是吸收與效用。
quality nutritional supplements are absorption and potency.
Isotonix® supplements, when mixed with water, have the same pH Isotonix®系列的營養補充品與水混合時,溶液可達到與體液(如
and osmotic pressure as the body’s fluids, such as tears, plasma and 眼淚、血漿及血液)一樣的酸鹼度和滲透壓。爲了讓營養能有
blood. In order for meaningful absorption of nutritional content to 效地被人體吸收,所有食物必須轉化成等滲透狀態。這過程可
take place, all food must be converted into an isotonic state. This 能需要長達三個小時。此耗時的過程會限制身體吸收營養。但
process could take up to three hours. This time consuming process
limits the amount of nutrients absorbed by the body. However, 是,Isotonix 維他命C與市場上其他類似產品不同,它能在最短
our Isotonix Vitamin C sets itself apart from other products on the 時內為你的身體提供最有效的營養素吸收。總之,Isotonix 維他
market by providing you with the maximum absorption of nutrients 命C以最合理的成本,能為你的身體所需營養提供最佳的輸送
in the shortest amount of time. All in all, Isotonix Vitamin C provides 方式。英國利茲大學、倫敦的蓋伊醫院、貝勒大學和梅奧診所等
superior delivery of the nutrients your body needs in the most cost
effective way. Researchers at the University of Leeds, Guy’s Hospital 的研究及其他研究都表示,不但等滲透配方能令營養素較快離
in London, Baylor University and the Mayo Clinic, among others, 開胃部,而且滲透壓能控制胃排空速度,使身體各個系統更有
have shown that isotonic solutions not only leave the stomach 效地吸收營養。Isotonix 維他命C的液體形態能使維他命和礦物
faster, but that the osmotic pressure of the stomach contents is one
of the controlling mechanisms for the rate at which the stomach 質以最佳方式被吸收並輸送到身體各部份。我們知道你正為自
empties, leading to more efficient assimilation by all of the body’s 己的健康做了最大的努力與最佳的選擇,Isotonix® 維他命C是一
systems. The liquid composition of Isotonix Vitamin C places the 項能令你安心的模範產品。
vitamins and minerals in an optimal position for absorption and
superior delivery to the body’s systems. Isotonix Vitamin C is an
exemplary product that leaves you with peace of mind, knowing 主要成份
that you are doing the most and the best for your health. 維他命 C(抗壞血酸)
Key Ingredients 日常飲食中大約90%的維他命C均來自新
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) 椒、青辣椒)的維他命C含量特別豐富。其
Around 90 percent of vitamin C in the typical diet comes from 他較佳的維他命C來源包括柑橘類水果與
fresh fruits and vegetables. Peppers — sweet green, red peppers,
hot red and green chili peppers — are especially rich in vitamin C. 果汁、小椰菜、椰菜花、椰菜、芥蘭、綠葉
Other good sources include citrus fruits and juices, brussel sprouts, 甘藍、青菜椰菜、菠菜及士多啤梨等。須
cauliflower, cabbage, kale, collards, mustard greens, broccoli, 要注意烹調會破壞維他命C的活性。
spinach and strawberries. It is important to note that cooking
destroys vitamin C activity.
Vitamin C, justifiably so, has become the world’s most popular
vitamin. The reasoning behind this vitamin’s grand reputation is
at once multi-faceted as well as amazing. The bodily functions
promoted by this vitamin create an extensive list.