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Product Name:  Isotonix® Açai Advanced Energy

                                            產品名稱: Isotonix® 巴西莓 - 提升能量配方

                                            HK13059 –  Single Bottle Size (45 servings)

                                         Primary Benefits:                     主要好處:
                                         4   Helps maintain alertness and      4  有助保持警覺及改善精神集中
                                            improve mental focus               4 支援認知功能健康
                                         4  Supports cognitive health
                                         4  Provides antioxidant function      4 提供抗氧化功能
                                         4  Promotes metabolism                4 促進新陳代謝
                                         4  Helps increase energy              4 有助增加能量
                                         4  Supports immune function           4 支援免疫功能

        What Makes Isotonix® Açai Unique?                      此產品為何與眾不同?
        Isotonix® Açai is an isotonic-capable dietary supplement made   Isotonix®  Açai巴西莓-提升能量配方是一種等滲透壓的口服補充
        from  a  combination  of  Açai  berries,  guarana,  yerba  maté,   品,以巴西莓、瓜拉納果實、馬黛茶樹、山竹、石榴、綠茶及重要
        mangosteen,  pomegranate,  green  tea  and  essential  amino   氨基酸混合製成。Isotonix  Açai的專利配方提供強效的抗氧化功
        acids. The proprietary blend of Isotonix Açai works to provide
        powerful  antioxidant  function,  help  maintain  alertness  and   能,有助保持警覺及改善精神集中,支援認知功能健康,促進新
        improve  mental  focus,  support  cognitive  health,  promote   陳代謝,有助增加能量,以及支援免疫功能。此產品能有助人體
        metabolism,  help  increase  energy  and  support  immune   保持精力充沛、充滿活力,同時提供多種營養。Isotonix  Açai包含
        function. Isotonix Açai will help the body stay energized and   其他強效成份,如含高ORAC值(氧自由基吸收能力)的山竹,是每
        active, while providing a sound nutritional formula. Containing   日口服營養補充品的重要一員。
        other  powerful  ingredients  which  have  high  ORAC  values,
        like  mangosteen,  Isotonix  Açai  is  an  asset  to  daily  dietary   主要成份:

        Key Ingredients in Isotonix® Açai:                     數千年來,人們一直深入巴西的雨林採集巴西莓並加以利用。巴西
        Açai Extract / Açai PulpFruit                          白質及脂肪酸如奧米加-6及奧米加-9。巴西莓包含巿場上多種最
        The  açai  berry  has  been  harvested  from  the  depths  of  the
        rainforests  of  Brazil  by  the  people  who  have  been  using  it  for   強效的抗氧化物,其豐富的色素驅使研究人員針對其花青素進行實
        thousands of years. Açai contains vitamins B1, B2, B3, vitamin E,   驗研究,花青素是一群多酚類,能予水果及蔬菜深黯的顏色,而且
        vitamin C, phosphorus, calcium, potassium, fiber, proteins and   擁有高抗氧化值。
        fatty acids such as Omega 6 and Omega 9. Açai berries contain
        some of the highest levels of antioxidants on the market. The dense   巴西莓的研究顯示其包含的脂肪酸能促進健康的認知功能,
        pigmentation of açaí has led to several experimental studies of its   這些重要脂肪酸包括奧米加-6
        anthocyanins, a group of polyphenols that give the deep color to   (亞麻油酸)及奧米加-9(油
        fruits and vegetables and are high in antioxidant value.
        Açai has two essential fatty acids known as omega 6 (linoleic acid)   米加-9脂肪酸均對健康有益。巴
        and omega 9 (oleic acid). Research shows that both omega 6 and   西莓結合瓜拉納被發現能促進新
        omega 9 fatty acids benefit health. Research on açai has shown   陳代謝、身體持久力與耐力。
        that these fatty acids are known to promote cognitive health.
        Açai mixed with guarana has been found to increase metabolism,
        physical endurance and stamina.

        L-phenylalanine ia an amino acid which acts as a precursor to
        noradrenalin production, which in turn increases mental alertness.
        L-phenylalanine  burns  fat,  maintains  muscle  and  provides  a
        steady energy boost throughout the day. Also, it increases feel-
        good amines in the body, which is a great benefit for those on
        the run and dieting at the same time. These amines are helpful
        in lifting overall mood.  L-phenylalanine helps maintain nervous
        system health and helps maintain alertness.
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