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Potassium also promotes the normal regulation of water balance. 地排出體外,並有助人們建立良好感覺。鉀是儲存在肌肉內的。
Potassium promotes the normal elimination of wastes and
generally contributes to a sense of well-being. Potassium is stored 有些缺鉀症狀包括血液循環不良、耳痛、無法入睡、肌肉無力及
in the muscles. 水腫。
Some symptoms of potassium deficiency include poor circulation,
earaches, inability to sleep, muscle weakness, and water retention. 鈉和鉀是幫助身體維持穩態平衡體液的兩個最重要的離子。
Sodium and potassium are two of the most important ions in 常見的問題
helping the body maintain the homeostatic equilibrium of fluids.
Frequently Asked Questions 是的,Isotonix®維他命C每一份量含有500毫克維他命C,這是維
Does Isotonix® Vitamin C provide the recommended
daily allowance? 份量會有很大的幫助。
Yes, Isotonix Vitamin C contains 500 mg of vitamin C per serving,
which is an optimal amount for immune system maintenance. In Isotonix®維他命C會有助增強我的免疫系統嗎?
times of illness or distress, it may be helpful to supplement with a 是的,在多方面都對免疫系統有實際的效用。今天,維他命C已
higher serving size of vitamin C.
Will Isotonix Vitamin C enhance my immune system? 維他命C可以提升免疫系統功能,支援免疫系統以保護身體免受
Yes, in several ways actually. Vitamin C has been heralded for quite 自由基的損害。作為一種水溶性維他命,抗壞血酸在血液和細胞
possibly being the best immune system supporter and antioxidant 內執行其抗氧化功能,有助修補潛在的抗氧化維他命E(一種脂
available today. People who take daily doses of vitamin C can boost 溶性抗氧化物)的潛在抗氧化能力。維他命C在支援免疫細胞功
their immune system. Vitamin C supports the immune system by
protecting the body from free-radical damage. As a water-soluble 能時也擔當著一個關鍵的角色。
vitamin, ascorbic acid performs its antioxidant functions within
the aqueous compartments of the blood and inside cells and can 誰需要Isotonix維他命C配方的補充劑?
help restore the antioxidant potential of vitamin E (a fat-soluble 基本上,在日常飲食中,人們都應加入Isotonix維他命C補充劑,因
antioxidant). Support of immune cell function is also a key role 在日常飲食中,很少人是根據專家的建議每日食用五份水果及蔬
performed by vitamin C.
Who needs to supplement with Isotonix Vitamin C? 者、吸煙者、面對極大壓力者、有心血管疾病的人和運動員。
Basically, everyone should add vitamin C to their diet, because
very few of us get the recommended five servings of fruits and 是否可以服用過多的Isotonix維他命C配方?
vegetables in our daily diets. Those who may especially need 維他命C即使在相對較高的水平也是非常安全的(因大部分剩
supplemental vitamin C include the elderly, those with weakened 餘的會從尿液中排出)。若使用高劑量時(超過1000毫克/每
immune systems, smokers, those under heavy amounts of stress, 日),有些人的胃腸道會出現副作用,如胃痙攣、噁心及腹瀉。為
those with cardiovascular conditions and athletes.
Is it possible to take too much Isotonix Vitamin C? 充劑。
Vitamin C is extremely safe even at relatively high levels (because
most of the excess is excreted in the urine). At high doses (over Isotonix維他命C配方如何有助於心血管健康?
600mg/day), some people can experience gastrointestinal Isotonix維他命C有助維持膽固醇和三酸甘油酯在健康的水平。
side effects such as stomach cramps, nausea and diarrhea. It is 它能促進動脈壁強壯,支援正常的血壓,並可幫助身體維持被
recommended that you take vitamin C supplements in gradual
servings throughout the day to achieve maximum benefits. 是公認為有助心血管系統健康的維他命E。最後,維他命C能支
How does Isotonix Vitamin C aid in cardiovascular
It helps maintain healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
It promotes strong arterial walls and supports normal blood
pressure. It helps the body maintain vitamin E, which has known
benefits for the cardiovascular system. Finally, vitamin C supports
normal platelet activity.