Page 12 - VISION
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Lutein and zeaxanthin act as antioxidants to protect the eye 葉黃素及玉米黃素的抗氧化功能能保護眼睛免受自由基
from free-radical damage. They help to build macular pigment 損害,還有助於鞏固黃斑色素的密度,在眼球晶體的清
density, a critical factor in the health of the macula and retina 晰度上,色素的密度是黃斑及視網膜健康的重要因素。
in relation to the clarity of the lens. They also act as filters of 這兩種物質還用作過濾藍光,以保護視網膜接收光線細
blue-light to protect the photoreceptor cells of the retina from 胞免受光線傷害。藍光的波長能造成自由基損害。
light damage. Blue-light wavelengths can generate free radical
Bilberry 歐洲藍莓萃取物是提取自歐洲一種普遍的矮灌木的葉與
Bilberry extract is derived from the leaves and berry-like fruit of 果實,這種植物與藍莓非常近似。
a common European shrub closely related to the blueberry.
Extracts of the ripe berry are known to contain flavonoid 是強效的抗氧化物,科學研究證明這些物質對視力及靜
pigments known as anthocyanins. They act as powerful 脈組織有正面的幫助。
antioxidants. Scientific studies confirm a positive effect on
vision and vein issues. 歐洲藍莓能鞏固夜視能力,並舒緩眼部的壓力,同時滋
Bilberry supports night vision and eases eyestrain while 含的生物類黃酮擁有抗氧化及抗炎功效,增加血管結構
nourishing eye tissue and supporting healthy circulation in 的完整性,並促進毛細血管的正常血液循環,這些毛細
the eye. Many of the bioflavanoids in bilberry have antioxidant 血管輸送氧氣及養份到眼睛。
and anti-inflammatory effects, strengthening the structural
integrity of blood vessels and promoting healthy circulation to 小米草
small capillaries that deliver oxygen and nutrients to the eyes.
Eyebright (Euphrasia officinalis) 紫色或黃色的小花,但黃色小花為英國原有。小米草的
Eyebright is an annual plant with deeply-cut leaves and small, 藥性部份來自其萃取汁液,這些汁液是在其開花時於根
white or purple flowers variegated with yellow, native to Great 部對上的位置提取的。
Britain. The medicinal portion of eyebright comes from fluid
extracted just above the root only when the plant is in bloom. 小米草被用作對付眼瞼發炎、瞼腺炎及眼睛疲勞。自十六
Eyebright is used for the inflammation of the eyelids, sties and
eye fatigue. Eyebright has been used by herbalists since the 鉻
sixteenth century for problems of the eyes. 鉻存在於啤酒酵母、全粒榖物、西蘭花、西梅、菇類與
Chromium 煙酸鉻、吡啶甲酸鉻及三氯化鉻等,比較獨立的鉻,這
Food sources of chromium include brewer’s yeast, whole 些鉻鹽增加人體對鉻的吸收及可利用性。有研究顯示90%
grain cereals, broccoli, prunes, mushrooms and beer. It is also
widely available in the form of supplements as chromium 的美國人每日攝取鉻的分量比建議份量為低。較活躍的
salts such as chromium polynicotinate, chromium picolinate 人士如運動員等,需要吸收更大量的鉻。
and chromium chloride, which help increase the absorption
and availability compared to isolated chromium. Studies have 鉻還是耐糖因子,有助胰島素與細胞膜的接收體結合,
shown that about 90 percent of Americans consume less than 促進健康的血糖吸收,並長久維持血糖水平,支援血管
the recommended amount of chromium each day. More active 健康。鉻還參與調節胰島素的活動,有助維持血糖水
people, like athletes, have a higher dietary need of chromium. 平。
Chromium is a component of the Glucose Tolerance Factor 鋅及銅
that helps insulin bind with greater affinity to insulin receptors 含最豐富的鋅的食物為海鮮類,尤其是蠔,此外還有肉
on the cell membrane promoting healthy blood sugar uptake 類、蛋及家禽。人體超過90%的鋅儲存在骨骼與肌肉中,
and long-term maintenance of blood sugar, resulting in healthy 鋅能提升人體運動表現,尤其是少吃紅肉及進食大量碳
blood vessel health. Chromium is also involved in regulating
the actions of insulin in maintaining blood sugar levels. 水化合物的運動員。研究發現鋅能減低感冒的嚴重性並
Zinc and Copper
The richest dietary sources of zinc are found in seafood 銅在以下的範疇均扮演必要的角色,包括對於嬰兒正常
(especially oysters), meat, eggs and poultry. More than 90 發育、紅白血球細胞成熟、鐵質輸送、骨骼強壯、膽固
percent of the body’s zinc is found in bones and muscles. Zinc 醇代謝、心肌收縮、葡萄糖代謝、腦部發育與免疫功能
may increase exercise performance, especially for athletes who 等。銅的主要來源為堅果、種子、麥麩、肝、腎及貝
avoid red meat or have a high carbohydrate intake. Studies 類。
have shown that zinc may shorten the severity and duration
of a cold.