Page 11 - VISION
P. 11
Key Ingredients 並為眼睛提供正常視力必須的營養。透過Isotonix 獨特的
Beta-carotene (Pro-Vitamin A) 吸收技術,這些以等滲透形式出現的成份確保能被人體
Beta-carotene is a precursor to vitamin A. It is converted in the 方便、快捷地使用。
liver to active vitamin A where it is transferred to the retina.
Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin that is part of a family of β-胡蘿蔔素(維他命A原)
compounds including retinol, retinal and beta-carotene. Beta-
carotene is also known as pro-vitamin A because it can be β-胡蘿蔔素是維他命A的前身。β-胡蘿蔔素在肝臟轉化成
converted into vitamin A. The best sources of vitamin A include 活性的維他命A,然後被輸送至視網膜。
organ meats such as liver and kidney, egg yolks, butter, carrot
juice, squash, sweet potatoes, spinach, peaches, fortified dairy 維他命A是脂溶性的維他命,它屬於一群化合物的家族,
products like milk and some margarines, and cod liver oil. 此家族包含視黃醛、視黃醇及β-胡蘿蔔素。β-胡蘿蔔素
Vitamin A has exhibited immune and antioxidant activities. 的最佳來源包括:內臟如肝及腎,蛋黃、牛油、胡蘿蔔
Vitamin A helps to maintain vision and to ward against loss of 汁、南瓜、蕃薯、菠菜、桃、加工的奶類製品如牛奶、
night vision. It promotes bone growth and also contributes to a 部份植物牛油及鱈魚肝油。
healthy immune system. Vitamin A also exerts a positive effect
on eye health. Deficiency can result in drying of the conjunctiva 維他命A具有免疫及抗氧化功能。維他命A有助鞏固視
and cornea.
Vitamin C
Around 90 percent of vitamin C is derived from fresh fruits and 缺乏維他命A會導致結膜及角膜乾澀。
vegetables. Peppers (sweet, green, red, hot red and green chili
peppers) are especially rich in vitamin C. Other good sources 維他命C
include citrus fruits and juices, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, 日常飲食中大約90%的維他命C均來自新鮮蔬果。椒類
cabbage, kale, collards, mustard greens, broccoli, spinach, (甜椒、青椒、紅椒、紅辣椒、綠辣椒)的維他命C含量
guava, kiwi fruit, currants and strawberries. 特別豐富。其他較佳的維他命C來源包括柑橘類水果與果
Benefits of vitamin C include: enhancing immune system 椰菜、菠菜、石榴、奇異果、紅醋栗、草莓等。
function, protecting against infection, heightening the
absorption of iron and working to improve cardiovascular 維他命C的好處包括:增強免疫系統功能、抗炎、提升鐵
health. Vitamin C is an antioxidant necessary for the growth 質的吸收、改善心血管健康。維他命C更是一種重要的抗
and repair of tissue, adrenal gland function and gum health. 氧化物,對成長及組織修補、腎上腺功能及牙肉健康尤
Vitamin C is an antioxidant present in high concentrations in 為必要。眼睛的水漾體與玻璃體內,含有高濃度的維他
the aqueous and vitreous humors of the eye.
Vitamin E
The most valuable sources of dietary vitamin E come from 維他命E
vegetable oils, margarine, nuts, seeds, avocados and wheat 飲食中維他命E最豐富的來源包括:植物油、人造牛油、
germ. Safflower oil contains large amounts of vitamin E. 堅果、種子、牛油果與小麥胚芽。紅花油含大量的維他
Discovered in the early 1930s, vitamin E is actually a family of 命E。維他命E事實上是一個家族,由名為生育醇與生育
related compounds called tocopherols and tocotrienols. 三烯醇的相關複合物組成。維他命E最早被發現於30年
Vitamin E is available in a natural or synthetic form. In most
cases, the natural and synthetic forms of vitamins are identical. 維他命E分成天然和合成的兩種,在絕大多數的情況下,
However, with vitamin E, the natural form is superior in terms 天然與合成的維他命是相同的。但就維他命E而言,天然
of absorption and retention in the body. The natural form of 形式不論在人體吸收與保留的效果方面,皆遠優於合成
alpha-tocopherol is known as “d-alpha tocopherol,” which is the 形式。天然的維他命E稱為“d-alpha tocopherol”,正是
form of vitamin E found in Isotonix® products.
An immune-boosting antioxidant, vitamin E is one of the most
powerful fat-soluble antioxidants in the body, which protects 維他命E是一種能鞏固免疫力的抗氧化物。維他命E能保護
cell membranes from free-radical damage. 細胞膜,使其免受自由基的侵害,是體內最強效的脂溶性
Lutein and Zeaxanthin
Lutein and zeaxanthin are carotenoids found together in many 葉黃素及玉米黃素
fresh fruits and vegetables. Within the eye they are found as 葉黃素及玉米黃素是新鮮蔬果內含的胡蘿蔔素,它們是
pigments in the macula and retina. 眼睛黃斑及視網膜內的色素。