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Frequently Asked Questions                             維他命E
        What is an antioxidant?                                由於維他命E是人體內最強的油溶性抗氧化物,因此它能
        Antioxidant  means  against  oxidation.  Antioxidants  work   協助保護細胞膜免受自由基傷害。維他命E還被發現能促
        to  protect  lipids  from  peroxidation  by  radical  elements.   進心血管健康,並有助鞏固免疫系統功能。
        Antioxidants  are  effective  because  they  give  up  their  own
        electrons to free radicals. When a free radical gains the electron
        from an antioxidant, it no longer needs to attack a cell and the   常見問題
        chain reaction of oxidation is broken.                 甚麼是抗氧化物?

        Where do free radicals come from?                      抗氧化物就是對抗氧化的物質,其功能是保護脂肪免受
        Simply  breathing  (respiration),  metabolizing  food  and   自由基的過氧化作用。抗氧化物之所以有效,是因為它
        generating  ATP  to  fuel  enzymatic  reactions  can  create  free   們會放棄一粒電子並給予自由基,當自由基從抗氧化物
        radicals. Free-radical damage caused by oxygen free radicals   得到電子後,便不再需要攻擊人體細胞,氧化作用的連
        is created by the following: eating high-fat foods, processed
        foods,  food  preservatives,  ionizing  radiation  (UV,  gamma,   鎖反應便會被中斷。
        X-rays),  exercise,  stress,  pollution,  chlorine  in  drinking  water
        and  tobacco  smoke.  Maximum  ORAC  contributes  to  the   自由基是從哪裏來的?
        body’s ability to counteract oxidation by increasing the levels   簡單如呼吸、食物代謝過程、產生腺三磷(ATP)為酵素
        of antioxidants in the bloodstream and protecting the other   催化反應提供燃料等,都會產生自由基。氧自由基對人體
        antioxidants  that  are  acquired  from  our  diets  and  restoring
        their full antioxidant activity in some cases.         造成的損害來自:進食高脂肪食品、加工食品、食物防腐
        I already take an antioxidant supplement with          力、污染、食水中的氯氣及吸煙等。透過提升人體血液內
        vitamins A, C and E. Is there an advantage in          的抗氧化物水平,以及保護部份從其他食物吸收的抗氧化
        taking supplements in Isotonix® form?                  物的能力,讓它們發揮最大的效用,Maximum  ORAC有效
        Yes.  When  you  ingest  food,  beverages  or  most  nutritional   幫助人體對抗氧化作用。
        supplements,  the  stomach  must  secrete  diluting  juices,
        enzymes, hydrochloric acid and at least one vitamin-binding
        protein  to  begin  the  process  of  digestion. This  process  can   我已經有服用抗氧化補充品如維他命A、C及E,服
        take  about  40  minutes  depending  on  the  size  of  the  meal,   用Isotonix®等滲形態的補充有好處嗎?
        and it requires both time and energy. The advantage of using   有。當你進食食物、飲品或大部份營養補充品時,胃部
        Isotonix  products  is  that  they  are  delivered  directly  into  the
        small intestine nutritionally concentrated. This maximizes the   會分泌稀釋液、酵素、鹽酸、及至少一種結合維他命的
        opportunity  for  absorption  of  the  nutrients  across  the  cell   蛋白以展開消化過程。此消化過程需時約四十分鐘,但
        membranes.                                             按每一餐的不同份量,所需時間也不同,同時也會消耗
        Isotonix products such as Maximum ORAC are usually taken   濃度營養的小腸,這大大增加了養份穿過細胞膜被吸收
        on an empty stomach, which considerably shortens the transit
        time through the body. Since the transit time is shortened, it   的機會。
        minimizes the chance that vital micronutrients will be trapped
        in the body by fats, fibers and tannins, or even inactivated by   Isotonix的產品如Maximum ORAC,我們建議你空肚服用,
        a highly acidic pH level, which can all lead to neutralization of   因為這樣會大大縮短在體內的傳送時間。由於傳送時間
        the nutritional value.
        What  is  the  difference  between  taking  an  isotonic   在人體或被強酸度導致不活躍的機會,這些都會導致營
        formula and taking traditional tablets?                養價值被減低。
        Isotonic  solutions  offer  the  most  efficient  delivery  of  all  oral
        forms of supplementation. The nutrients in the solutions are   進食等滲配方的營養補充品與傳統片劑的補充品有
        quickly and effectively absorbed into the bloodstream. Isotonix   甚麼分別?
        products are not encapsulated, so there is no need for them
        to  contain  fillers,  binders,  coatings,  lubricants,  disintegrators   在所有形態的口服營養補充品中,等滲溶液是最有效
        or  artificial  coloring  like  there  can  be  in  traditional  nutrient   的傳送方式。溶液中的養份會快速並有效被血管吸
        supplements.                                           收。Isotonix產品並非膠囊,因此不會像傳統的營養補充
        Has this product been reviewed by the Department       或人造色素。
        of Health (DOH)?
        Yes, this product was reviewed by the DOH in Hong Kong.
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