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Red wine is a naturally occurring antioxidant. The antioxidant   存在於多種水果及蔬菜、松樹皮(內含的原花色素即為碧容
        occurs naturally in grape vines, roots, seeds and stalks, with   健)及綠茶,如葡萄籽萃取物一樣,它們均具抗氧化能力。這
        its highest concentration in the skins. Red wine is significantly   些抗氧化物有助保護細胞免受自由基損害,並促進心血管健
        higher in antioxidant properties than white wine. This brings up
        the concept of the French-paradox. In the late 1990s, scientists   康及正常視力。葡萄籽萃取物還擁有極豐富的多酚類,多酚
        took note of a phenomenon among the French. There were,   類含有大量抗氧化物。
        and still are, very high rates of heart health in the provinces
        where residents ate higher fat foods and drank red wine. The   紅酒萃取物
        protective properties of red wine are believed to have protected
        the health of the heart. In test tube and animal studies, red wine   紅酒是天然存在的抗氧化物,存在於葡萄藤、根、籽及莖,
        extract helped blood vessels remain open and flexible.  於葡萄皮的含量更是最高。紅酒的抗氧化特質比白酒強很
        Pine Bark Extract (Pycnogenol)                         關於法國人的一個現象:某些省份的人進食較高脂肪的食
        Pycnogenol is a natural plant extract from the bark of the   物並同時飲用紅酒,而從古至今這些人心臟健康的比率非
        maritime pine tree, which grows exclusively along the coast of   常高。紅酒的特性相信可保護心臟健康。此外,試管及動物
        southwest France in Les Landes de Gascogne. This unspoiled   身上測試顯示,紅酒萃取物有助令血管保持張開及有彈性。
        and  natural  forest  environment  is  the  unique  source  of
        Pycnogenol. The extract has three basic properties — it’s
        a powerful antioxidant, it selectively binds to collagen and   松樹皮萃取物(碧容健)
        elastin, and it aids in the production of endothelial nitric oxide,   碧容健是由海岸松樹皮提取的天然植物萃取物;海岸松樹
        which promotes healthy vasodilation of blood vessels.
        As one of the most potent natural scavengers of free radicals,   天然樹林就是碧容健的唯一來源。碧容健擁有三項基本特
        Pycnogenol mops up all kinds of aggressive radicals before they   質:抗氧化、選擇性結合膠原蛋白及彈力蛋白,以及協助內
        cause any damage via oxidative stress. Its antioxidant capabilities   皮細胞製造一氧化氮;一氧化氮能促進血液的正常舒張。
        also appear to help strengthen blood vessel walls and capillaries.
        It helps maintain healthy circulation and cell vitality.
        Today, Pycnogenol is one of the most researched ingredients in   略性的自由基,阻止自由基透過氧化壓力損害人體。碧容健
        the natural product marketplace.                       的抗氧化能力有助鞏固血管壁及毛細血管,更有助血管正常
        Bilberry Extract
        Bilberry extract is derived from the fruit of a common European
        shrub closely related to the blueberry.                現時,碧容健是天然產品巿場上受到最廣泛研究的成份之
        Extracts of the ripe fruit are known to contain flavonoid
        pigments known as anthocyanins. These pigments act as   歐洲藍莓萃取物
        antioxidants. Scientific studies have shown that bilberry may   歐洲藍莓萃取物提取自歐洲一種普遍矮灌木的果實,這
        help to support healthy vision and veins. Bilberry extract also
        appears to strengthen capillaries and arteries.        種植物與藍莓非常近似。

        Citrus Bioflavonoid Complex                            成熟的莓類萃取物含有稱為花青素的類黃酮色素,它們
        Bioflavonoids are found in certain plants and act as light filters   具有抗氧化功效。科學研究顯示,歐洲藍莓有助支援視
        protecting the delicate DNA chains and other important   力及靜脈健康。歐洲藍莓萃取物亦可鞏固毛細血管及動
        macromolecules of the plant by absorbing ultraviolet radiation.

        Frequently Asked Questions About                       柑橘生物類黃酮複合物
        Isotonix OPC-3                                         生物類黃酮是存在於部份植物的物質,是吸收紫外線輻
        What is Isotonix OPC-3?                                射的光線過濾器,保護植物裡容易受損的DNA鏈及其他
        Isotonix OPC-3 is an isotonic-capable dietary supplement   重要的大分子。
        that is made from a combination of grape seed, red wine
        and pine bark extracts. Isotonic supplements bear chemical   常見問題
        resemblance to your own tears and plasma, so your body   甚麼是Isotonix OPC-3?
        absorbs the nutrients rapidly and more effectively.
                                                               Isotonix OPC-3是一種等滲壓營養補充品,由葡萄籽、紅酒和
        What is a bioflavonoid?                                松樹皮萃取物組合而製成。等滲壓營養補充品的化學性質
        Bioflavonoids are complex organic plant compounds. These   與人體眼淚及血漿相似,讓人體能迅速並有效地吸收內含
        compounds are chemically related, yet their chemistry differs   的營養。
        from one plant to another. This is obvious from the different
        colors of fruits and plants, which result from the specific
        bioflavonoid species they contain. A rapidly increasing
        number of clinical studies show how bioflavonoids support   甚麼是生物類黃酮?
        human health and vascular integrity.                   生物類黃酮是存在於植物的有機植物複合物。這些複合物
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