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can  produce  oxidative  stress,  resulting  in  damage  to  cells.   要從食物攝取2,500  ORAC值,人們需每天進食一杯藍莓。
        Unfortunately,  the  environment  we  live  in  today  creates  an   一般研究鼓勵人們每天進食5至9份水果及蔬菜,但對大
        overload of free-radical exposure in the form of both oxygen   部份人來說,這是十分困難的,因此服用補充品變得非
        and  nitrogen  free  radicals.  This  is  where  the  antioxidant
        capabilities  of  Maximum  ORAC  in  combination  with  OPCs   常重要。
        come into play, creating full-circle free-radical defense.
                                                               要加深了解Isotonix®  Maximum  ORAC所帶來的好處,我們
        Free-radical damage is often associated with the development   要先知道自由基在我們身體內的角色。部份自由基活動對
        of diseased states and aging. Within cells, ROS (reactive oxygen
        species, or free radicals) are natural byproducts of metabolism   人體來說是必要的,因為這些活動能提供一些生化功能,
        and  energy  (ATP)  production.  Though  several  enzymes  and   這些功能讓我們的細胞產生能量以進行一系列的生物過
        antioxidants, such as superoxide dismutase, are produced to   程。然而,過量的自由基活動則會帶來氧化壓力,對細胞
        deal with ROS, an excess of free radicals can and does occur,   造成破壞。不幸的是,現今生活的環境帶給我們帶來過量
        often  resulting  in  DNA  damage.  Cells  are  well-equipped   的氧自由基及氮自由基,這就是Maximum  ORAC及多種原
        with  enzymes  that  can  identify  and  repair  chromosomal
        (DNA) damage as long as it is not too severe. When damage   花色素發揮功效的地方,提供全面的自由基防禦。
        is  substantial,  cell  function  can  be  altered  and  cell  death
        can  occur.  Isotonix  Maximum  ORAC,  a  supplier  of  strong   自由基的損害常與疾病的形成及衰老扯上關係。事實上,
        antioxidants, helps to promote cellular health by reducing the   細胞內的自由基(又名為活性氧,英文簡稱ROS)是代謝
        damage to critical molecules.   
        Key Ingredients                                        使人體有幾種酵素及抗氧化物如超氧化物歧化酶等能對
        Mixed Berry Extracts (Elderberry, Cranberry            付自由基,但仍有機會存在過量的自由基。DNA受損通常
        and Blueberry)                                         就是由於過量的自由基造成。在損傷程度不嚴重的情況
        Each  serving  of  Maximum  ORAC  contains  653  mg  of  berry   下,細胞擁有酵素以辨別及修補受損的DNA,但如果損傷
        extracts  from  high-ORAC-value  foods  such  as  elderberry,   嚴重,則會影響細胞功能,甚至導致細胞死亡。Isotonix
        cranberry and blueberry.                               Maximum  ORAC沖劑為你提供強效的抗氧化物,減輕自由
          •   Elderberry has been used for centuries for its immunologic
            properties.  It  provides  both  vitamins  A  and  C,  as  well  as
            anthocyanins, which are potent free-radical scavengers.  主要成份
          •   Cranberries have antioxidant properties due to vitamin C   多種莓類萃取物(接骨木果、野莓及藍莓等)
            and cranberry polyphenols.                         每一次服用份量的ORAC含有653毫克的莓類萃取物,這些
          •   Blueberries have compounds similar to those of cranberries
            and can also be used to protect against the effects of age-  萃取物都是從含有高ORAC值的食物中提取出來,如接骨
            related deterioration of the brain.                木果、野莓及藍莓。
        These  berry  extracts  contain  an  assortment  of  bioflavonoids,     •  接骨木果的免疫學特質在過去多個世紀以來一直被廣
        organic  acids  and  other  polyphenolic  compounds  that  work   泛利用,它包含維他命A、C及花青素,這些均為強效
        synergistically to defend against free-radical damage.
        Vitamin C                                                •  野莓(又稱小紅莓)含有維他命C及野莓多酚類,因
        Vitamin C (known as ascorbic acid), an essential nutrient for   而擁有抗氧化特質。
        humans, is needed for metabolic reactions in the body. Foods     •  藍莓擁有與野莓類似的化合物,也可被用作保護腦部
        such  as  oranges,  lemons,  grapefruit,  strawberries,  tomatoes,   免受因年老衰退的影響。
        brussels sprouts, peppers and cantaloupes are good sources
        of vitamin C.
        Vitamin C is known for its function as one of the key nutritional   合物,能幫助身體防禦自由基的侵害。
        antioxidants that protect the body from free-radical damage,
        and  cellular  strengthening.  It  is  an  essential  cofactor  for  the   維他命C
        enzymes involved in the synthesis of collagen. Vitamin C is more
        commonly known for supporting a healthy immune system.   維他命C(又名抗壞血酸),是人體必需的養份,用以參
        The antioxidant function of vitamin C is performed within the   與新陳代謝作用。橙、檸檬、西柚、士多啤梨、蕃茄、小
        aqueous compartments of the blood and inside cells.    椰菜、辣椒及哈蜜瓜等食品,都是很好的維他命C來源。

        Vitamin E                                              維他命C為人熟悉是因為它是最強效的抗氧化劑之一,能
        Since  vitamin  E  is  one  of  the  most  powerful  fat-soluble
        antioxidants in the body, it helps protect cell membranes from   保護人體對抗自由基侵害及鞏固細胞。維他命C亦是膠原
        the damage caused by free radicals. Vitamin E has also been   蛋白合成所需酵素的輔因子。維他命C還有更為人熟悉的
        found to promote cardiovascular health. Vitamin E is linked to   功能,那就是支援免疫系統,它的抗氧化功能是在血液
        an enhanced immune system function.                    及細胞內的水性部份中進行的。
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