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Isotonix® Calcium Plus
HK13020 – Single Bottle Size (90 servings)
Primary Benefits: 主要好處:
4 Supports skeletal health 4 支援骨骼健康
4 Supports cardiovascular health 4 支援心血管健康
4 Supports normal muscle use and
performance 4 支援正常肌肉活動及表現
4 Supports healthy teeth and gums 4 支援牙齒及牙齦
4 Helps to maintain general well- 4 有助保持整體健康
being 4 支援正常神經傳導
4 Supports healthy nerve conduction
4 Supports healthy pregnancy and 4 支援懷孕期健康及胎兒發育
fetal development
What Makes Isotonix® Calcium Plus Isotonix®鈣高效吸收配方有何獨特之處?
Unique? 對於骨骼發展及保持骨骼強壯來說,鈣是 一 種不可或缺的
Calcium is essential for building and maintaining strong 元素。Isotonix®鈣高效吸收配方透過等壓溶液,為人體提供
bones. Isotonix® Calcium Plus provides the body with
an optimal blend of calcium, vitamin D3, manganese, 適量的鈣、維他命D3、錳、鎂及維他命C,讓人體能迅速吸
magnesium and vitamin C in an efficient isotonic solution 收。等壓口服營養補充品的化學性質與眼淚和血漿等人體體
that is readily absorbed by the body. Isotonic supplements 液相近,讓人體能更迅速和更有效吸收當中營養。
bear chemical resemblance to your own tears and plasma, so
your body absorbs the nutrients rapidly and more effectively.
Many calcium supplements exist in the marketplace, but only Isotonix®鈣高效吸收配方透過等壓系統,將高效的鈣及輔助
Market Hong Kong’s Isotonix® Calcium Plus delivers a potent 營養傳送至人體。與 一 般鈣片相比,Isotonix®鈣高效吸收配
package of calcium and complementary nutrients through 方能傳送更多活性成份讓人體使用,換句話說,成本相對減
an isotonic system of delivery. This translates into a lower
cost overall when compared to calcium supplements in pill 低。別被補充品的成份含量誤導,最重要的是你的身體最終
form by making more of the active ingredients available 能使用多少。
to the body. Don’t be misled by ingredient amounts. What
really counts is the amount of active ingredients that your 主要成份
body can ultimately use.
Key Ingredients 奶類含有高濃度的鈣,其他含豐富鈣質的食物包括蔬菜如羽
Calcium 衣甘藍、黃芽白、芥菜、西蘭花、白
Milk has a high concentration of calcium. Other foods rich in 菜及豆腐。鈣是 一 種必要的礦
calcium include vegetables, such as collard greens, Chinese 物質,具有多方面的生物用途。
cabbage, mustard greens, broccoli, bak choy and tofu. Calcium is
an essential mineral with a wide range of biological roles.
The skeleton acts as a storehouse for calcium. Apart from being 頭及牙齒的主要成份外,鈣還支
a major component of bones and teeth, calcium supports 援正常的肌肉收縮和神經健康。
normal muscle use and nerve health.
Sufficient daily calcium intake is necessary for maintaining
optimal bone density, healthy bones and teeth. When the body
does not get enough calcium per day, it draws calcium from
your bones.
Foods rich in magnesium include unpolished grains, nuts and
green vegetables. Green leafy vegetables are potent sources of
magnesium because of their chlorophyll content. Meats, starches,