Page 10 - VISION
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Product Name:
Isotonix® Vision Formula
with Lutein 葉黃素沖劑
HK13042 – Single Bottle (30 Servings)
Primary Benefits: 主要好處:
4 Promotes healthy vision 4 促進視力健康
4 Beta-carotene is critical 4 β-胡蘿蔔素對視力
for vision health 健康至為重要
4 Vitamin E is an antioxidant 4 維他命E為抗氧化物
4 Nourishes eye tissue 4 能滋養眼部組織
What Makes This Product Unique? 此產品有何獨特之處?
Advanced science has brought clarity to vision health by 先進的科學為人類視力健康帶來更清楚的景象,透過眾
working with researchers to develop an effective nutraceutical 多研究人員合力研發的Isotonix® Vision Formula with Lutein
possessing a significant number of quality ingredients in one 葉黃素沖劑,是一種含有多種高質素成份的營養補充
modus operandi, Isotonix® Vision Formula with Lutein. By 品。此產品的等滲透配方,進入人體後不需長時間消
eliminating the need for extended digestion, isotonic formulas 化,便能迅速、快捷被吸收,減少康復的時間,促進整
absorb quickly and efficiently into the body, reducing recovery 體健康。美安香港的Isotonix Vision Formula with Lutein葉黃
time and increasing overall health. Market Hong Kong’s Isotonix
Vision Formula with Lutein offers a faster and more efficient 素沖劑採用更快、更有效率的輸送方式,為人體提供眼
delivery of vision nutrition supplements. 部的營養補充品。
The Eye: 眼:
• Retina – a light-sensitive membrane in the back of the eye. • 視網膜-眼球後的一塊感光薄膜。視網膜從眼球的晶體
It receives an image passed through the lens and converts it 接收影像然後轉變成訊號透過視覺神經傳送至大腦,
to a signal that is sent to the brain via the optic nerve so that 因此我們能看到光。
you can then see light • 黃斑-視網膜中間位置的一個小黃點,負責提供影像
• Macula – a small, yellowish spot located in the middle of the 的鮮明度及顏色,讓我們看到影像的細節。
retina responsible for the detail of vision by providing visual
sharpness and color perception 視力衰退並非一朝一夕發生的,其複雜過程通常經歷一
The intricate process that contributes to visual degradation
usually develops over a long period of time, making the need
for a protective eye approach even more important. Isotonix Vision Formula with Lutein
Many of the ingredients found in Isotonix Vision Formula with 均衡飲食及適量運動,可以使人們
Lutein, when added to a balanced diet and exercise routine, 在經歷老化過程時仍能保持良好視
can help support good vision throughout the aging process. 力。每一種成份都經過小心挑選,
Each ingredient has been carefully chosen to bolster a strong 以鞏固強大的抗氧化防禦系統,
antioxidant defense system and provide the eyes with the
nutrients crucial for healthy visual function. These ingredients,
when in an isotonic form, ensure that the body will utilize
them expediently and efficiently through the unique Isotonix