Page 9 - VISION
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Frequently Asked Questions 鉀
Why should I take calcium? 鉀是儲存於肌肉中的電解質。富含鉀的食物來源包括香
Everyone needs calcium. Practically no one ingests enough 蕉、橙、哈蜜瓜、牛油果、未經煮熟的菠菜、椰菜及芹菜。鉀
calcium in their daily diet. Besides being helpful in supporting
and maintaining bone integrity, calcium serves a dynamic role 是 一 種必要的主要礦物質,有助維持人體內的液體平衡,同
as a mineral. It’s very important in supporting the activity of 時參與多種生化及生理過程。鉀支援正常的肌肉活動。
many bodily enzymes and maintaining proper fluid balance.
Calcium also promotes the normal contraction of muscle and 常見問題
skeletal health.
I’m not an elderly woman. Why should I take a calcium 人人都需要鈣,基本上,沒有人能從日常飲食攝取足夠的
supplement? 鈣。除了有助支援及維持骨質密度外,作為礦物質,鈣還擔
Calcium plays a huge role in regulating many major bodily 當活躍的角色。在支援多種酵素活動及維持適當液體平衡
processes with implications that extend far beyond the age
factor. Other than elderly women who may be susceptible to 上,鈣亦非常重要。鈣還促進正常的肌肉收縮及骨骼健康。
bone loss, younger women, pregnant and lactating women, and
men should take a calcium supplement. 我並非老年女士,為甚麼要服用鈣補充品?
Younger women need more calcium to build up the strength of
their bones. Pregnant and lactating women need extra calcium 角色。雖然年紀大的女性較容易有骨質流失,但年輕女性、
to foster the growth of healthy new cells and for the production 懷孕及哺乳的婦女,甚至是男士也應該服用鈣補充品。
of breast milk. Finally, those with poor cardiovascular health have
been found to have low levels of calcium intake.
What is the suggested age to begin taking Isotonix® 要額外的鈣供新細胞健康成長或餵哺母乳。最後,心血管系
Calcium Plus? 統健康不佳的人也被發現所吸收的鈣量很低。
Isotonix® Calcium Plus is recommended for all adults age 18
or older. 建議開始服用Isotonix®鈣高效吸收配方的年齡為多少?
Why is Isotonix® Calcium Plus better than other 我們建議18歲或以上的成年人均可服用Isotonix®鈣高效吸
calcium products? 收配方。
It is better because of the Isotonix® delivery system. The secret
of the isotonic process is probably now becoming clear! When 為甚麼Isotonix®鈣高效吸收配方較其他鈣補充品優越?
an isotonic substance enters the body, it will be absorbed into Isotonix®鈣高效吸收配方較為優越是因為其Isotonix®傳送
the bloodstream rapidly. With isotonic fluids, little nutritive value
is lost, making the absorption of nutrients highly efficient. An 系統。現在,等壓過程的秘密將逐漸解開。當 一 種等壓物質
isotonic fluid is nature’s own nutrient delivery system. 進入人體時,會迅即被吸收進入血液。透過等壓溶液,物質
Why is there a sandy residue left in the cup after 養輸送系統。
mixing with water?
Everyone’s water is different; some tap water has a higher
concentration of minerals and the pH level of water differs 為甚麼與水混合後杯裏會出現沙狀的沉澱物?
depending on geographic location and the quality of the tap 人人飲用的水都不同;有些自來水含有較高濃度的礦物質,
water, which can lead to inconsistencies with the saturation 而水的酸鹼度也因應地理位置及自來水的質素而有所不
point of a solution. To ensure that our solutions reach the point
of saturation, regardless of the pH or mineral levels in water, 同,因而導致一種溶液的飽和點不同。為確保我們的溶液不
we have maximized the formulation amounts so that every 受酸鹼度或礦物質濃度影響而達到飽和點,我們將配方的
serving of Isotonix® Calcium Plus contains the correct amount 份量提升至最高,因此每一份Isotonix®鈣高效吸收配方都
of calcium. The residue left in the cup is due to over-saturation
which is common in tap water with a higher pH level or a higher 包含正確份量的鈣。杯內的沉積物是因為溶液超過了飽和
mineral content. 點而造成,這情況在鹼性高或礦物質含量高的自來水中很常
Is Isotonix® Calcium Plus safe?
Isotonix® Calcium Plus is safe and free of harmful agents. The 使用Isotonix®鈣高效吸收配方安全嗎?
product is made in the United States in FDA-inspected facilities
using Good Manufacturing Practices. Customers can have Isotonix®鈣高效吸收配方安全及不含有害物質。本產品在美
confidence in the quality and safety of this product. 國製造,並於經美國食品及藥物管理局檢測的設備生產,符合