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Product Name:
                                            Isotonix® Maximum ORAC Formula 沖劑

                                            HK13039	–		Single	Bottle	(90	Servings)
                                            Primary Benefits:                  主要好處:
                                            4	 	High	ORAC	(Oxygen	Radical	     4  高氧自由基吸收能力
                                               Absorbance	Capacity)	value        (ORAC值)
                                            4	  Potent	antioxidant             4 強效抗氧化物

                                            What does O.R.A.C. stand for?      O.R.A.C.代表甚麼?
                                            Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity is   O.R.A.C.代表Oxygen Radical Absorbance
                                            an assay that measures the antioxidant   Capacity,即是「氧自由基吸收能
                                            activity  of  a  substance.  ORAC  assays
                                            measure  how  many  oxygen  radicals  a   力」,是用以量度某種物質的抗氧化
                                            substance  can  absorb.  The  higher  its   能力。ORAC量度一種物質能吸收多
                                            ORAC  score,  the  better  it  is  at  helping   少氧自由基,ORAC值越高,代表著
                                            our bodies destroy free radicals.  協助人體清除自由基的能力越高。

        What Makes This Product Unique?                        此產品有何獨特之處?
        Absorption  and  effectiveness  are  two  important  features  to   人們選擇營養補充品時,補充品的吸收與效用是其中兩
        examine  when  selecting  a  nutritional  supplement.  Isotonix®   個重要的考慮因素,而Isotonix®  Maximum  ORAC則兩者兼
        Maximum  ORAC  Formula  offers  both. This  supplement  is  in
        isotonic form, which helps the nutrients be absorbed into your   備。此產品為等滲壓形態,讓營養更快被人體吸收。這
        system more quickly. It is usually taken on an empty stomach.   產品通常在空肚時服用,當等滲壓溶液進入小腸時,營
        When the isotonic fluid enters the body it is delivered to the   養即以高濃縮的狀態進入體內,並自然地迅速被血管吸
        small intestine in a nutritionally concentrated state, allowing it   收,養份流失的情況非常低。由於抗氧化物是在等滲透
        to be absorbed into the bloodstream at a rapid pace, with little
        nutritive value  lost. Since  the  antioxidants  are  in an  isotonic   溶液內,因此重要養份被困於脂肪、纖維及單寧,或因
        solution, it minimizes the chance that important nutrients will   為強酸而導致不活躍的機會大為減少。
        be trapped by fats, fibers and tannins or inactivated by a highly
        acidic pH level.                                       與其他形態的口服營養補充品不同,Isotonix  產品並非膠
        Unlike other forms of oral supplementation, Isotonix products
        are not encapsulated, so there is no need for fillers, binders,   人造色素等。如果正確服用產品,你將得到與等滲壓溶
        coatings, lubricants, disintegrators or artificial coloring. When   液內同等分量的營養。
        the  product  is  used  correctly,  you  get  the  exact  amount  of
        nutrients listed, in the desired isotonic state.       一種優良的ORAC補充品應至少含有2,500個ORAC單位,這
        A  good  ORAC  supplement  should  contain  a  minimum  of
        2,500 ORAC units, in the form of high-ORAC-value foods such   出現。ORAC補充品採用天然維他命E的同分異構物,包括
        as blueberries, cranberries and elderberries. The use of natural   生育醇和三烯生育醇及維他命C,可以促進細胞內組成一
        vitamin  E  isomers,  including  tocopherols  and  tocotrienols,   個抗氧化網絡,比較單一種物質,
        and  vitamin  C  in  ORAC  supplements  can  contribute  to   這種網絡能為人體提供更佳保護。
        an  antioxidant  network  inside  cells  which  offers  far  more
        protection than using a single agent.
                                                               Isotonix  Maximum  ORAC還含有黑胡
        Isotonix  Maximum  ORAC  also  contains  black  pepper  extract   椒萃取物,這有助維他命C及維他命
        to  improve  the  absorption  of  antioxidants  such  as  vitamins   E等抗氧化物的吸收。
        C and E. In order to get 2,500 ORAC units through food, one
        would have to consume one cup of blueberries per day. It is
        generally recommended that five to nine servings of fruits and
        vegetables be consumed per day. For most individuals, this is
        difficult to do and supplementing becomes vitally important.

        To better understand the beneficial effects of Isotonix Maximum
        ORAC, we need to understand the role of free radicals in our
        bodies. Some free-radical activity is necessary, as it supplies the
        biochemical function from which our cells produce energy to
        carry  out  biological  processes.  Excessive  free-radical  activity
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