Page 3 - VISION
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What sets Isotonix OPC-3 apart from other 雖然在化學上互有關連,但不同植物的生物類黃酮的化學
bioflavonoid products? 性質都不一樣。最顯而易見的例子是,不同水果與植物顏
Isotonix OPC-3 offers scientifically proven OPC that support 色不同,是因為它們含有不同種類的生物類黃酮。越來越
health. This science-driven selection, coupled with the
Isotonix® delivery system enables this product to be effectively 多臨床研究顯示,生物類黃酮可促進人體健康和血管完整
and efficiently absorbed. 性。
Can you take Isotonix OPC-3 in soda, juice, coffee, Isotonix OPC-3與其他生物類黃酮產品有何不同?
etc., rather than water? Isotonix OPC-3提供的原花色素獲科學證實可支援健康,結合
It is possible but not recommended. In order to keep the Isotonix等滲壓傳輸系統,讓人體能有效並迅速地吸收產品
product in an isotonic form and to achieve the maximum
delivery speed, it needs to be taken on an empty stomach 提供的營養。
with 60 ml water per capful. To mix the products with
anything else slows down the delivery time and may also 可以汽水、果汁或咖啡等飲品代替水混合Isotonix
affect the percentage of uptake. OPC-3飲用嗎?
Does Isotonix OPC-3 have visible benefits?
It is great to take care of your well-being, but ultimately we 到最高傳送速度,每瓶蓋Isotonix OPC-3需以60毫升的水空肚
want other people to notice we are in great shape! 飲用。如果以其他飲品混和飲用,會減慢傳送速度,並可能
As OPCs support collagen production in the skin, an increase
of smoothness and elasticity is the natural consequence. Isotonix OPC-3有明顯可見的好處嗎?
Such an effect was indeed objectively measured in women
aged 40 years and older. It requires patience until skin cells 關注自己的健康固然重要,但我們最終亦希望別人留意到
have renewed significant amounts of collagen to show visible 我們的狀態很好!
effects. It is compulsory to continuously take Isotonix OPC-3 to
keep skin cells at their peak vitality. 由於原花色素能促進皮膚的膠原蛋白製造,皮膚的柔滑度
On a short-term basis, many people notice a fresher-looking 與彈性自然會提升。事實上,這效果是從40歲或以上女士身
skin complexion. This is a result of healthy blood micro- 上客觀量度出來的。肌膚細胞需要時間修復大量膠原蛋白,
circulation, which helps detoxify the skin and improves the 因此人們必須有耐性等待效果顯現。為了使肌膚細胞時刻保
nutrient supply. 持最佳活力,我們建議必須持續飲用OPC-3。
Is Isotonix OPC-3 safe?
Isotonix OPC-3 is safe and free of harmful agents. The product 短期效果方面,很多人都發現飲用OPC-3後,肌膚明顯變得更
is made in the United States in FDA-inspected facilities 亮麗。這是血液微循環健康的結果,這有助肌膚排毒及改善
using Good Manufacturing Practices. Customers can have 營養供應。
confidence in the quality and safety of this product.
飲用Isotonix OPC-3安全嗎?
Isotonix OPC-3安全及不含有害物質。本產品在美國製造,並