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dairy products and refined and processed foods contain low 人們每日必需攝取足夠的鈣,以維持最佳的骨質密度、骨骼
amounts of magnesium. Recent research shows that most 及牙齒健康。若人體每日吸收的鈣質不足,就會從骨頭裏提
people’s diets are magnesium deficient.
Magnesium is a component of the mineralized part of bones and
supports the normal metabolism of potassium and calcium in 鎂
adults. It helps maintain normal levels of potassium, phosphorus 富含鎂的食物包括未經打磨的穀物、果仁及綠色蔬菜。由於
and calcium. Magnesium promotes the normal functioning of
muscle and nervous tissue. 綠葉菜的葉綠素含量高,因此是鎂的豐富來源。肉類、澱粉
Magnesium supports the body’s ability to build healthy bones 查發現,大部份人飲食中的鎂含量不足。
and teeth, and develop muscles. It works together with calcium
and vitamin D to help keep bones strong.
鎂是骨頭內礦物質部份的其中 一 種成份,能支援成年人正
Manganese 常的鉀及鈣代謝作用。鎂有助維持正常的鉀、磷及鈣水平,
Manganese is a mineral found in large quantities in both 並促進肌肉及神經組織的正常功能。
plant and animal matter. The most valuable dietary sources of
manganese include whole grains, nuts, leafy vegetables and
teas. Manganese is concentrated in the bran of grains, which 鎂還支援人體發展健康骨骼、牙齒及肌肉的能力。鎂與鈣及
is often removed during processing. Manganese supports the 維他命D相互合作,有助維持骨骼強壯。
normal formation of connective tissue and bones. It supports
calcium absorption.
Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) 錳是 一 種大量存在於植物及動物物質內的礦物質。富含錳的
The best food sources of vitamin C include all citrus fruits 食物來源包括全穀物、果仁、有葉菜及茶。含錳濃度最高的
(oranges, grapefruit, lemons and tangerines), strawberries, 是穀物的穀皮部份,但通常穀物在加工時,穀皮都會被去除。
tomatoes, broccoli, brussels sprouts, peppers and cantaloupe.
Vitamin C is a “fragile” vitamin and can be easily destroyed by 錳支援正常的結締組織和骨骼的形成,並支援鈣的吸收。
cooking or exposure of food to oxygen.
Vitamin C supports your body’s ability to utilize multiple vitamins 蘊藏豐富維他命C的食物來源包括所有柑橘屬水果(橙、西
and minerals such as thiamin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, biotin,
folic acid, B12, retinaldehyde, alpha-tocopherol and the mineral 柚、檸檬及柑)、士多啤梨、蕃茄、西蘭花、小椰菜、辣椒及哈
calcium. It acts as a cofactor in the metabolism of folic acid, some 蜜瓜。維他命C是 一 種「脆弱」的維他命,食物經過烹煮或曝
amino acids and hormones. Being an effective antioxidant, it also 露於氧氣中就很容易破壞當中的維他命C。
supports iron absorption from the small intestine. It supports the
normal synthesis of collagen. Vitamin C has become the world’s
most popular vitamin. 維他命C支援身體使用其他多種維他命及礦物質的能力,例
Stress, smoking and drugs can impair the body’s ability to absorb,
retain and use vitamin C. Since it is water-soluble, vitamin C is 育酚及礦物鈣。維他命C在正常的葉酸、部份氨基酸及荷爾
flushed from the body each day. Since humans don’t always eat 蒙的代謝作用上,擔當輔因子或輔助者的角色。作為 一 種有
foods containing an adequate amount of vitamin C, it often is 效的抗氧化物,維他命C還支援鐵在小腸的吸收,並支援膠原
beneficial to take a supplement.
Vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol)
Regular sunlight exposure is the main way that most humans 壓力、吸煙及部份藥物會阻礙人體吸收、保持及使用維他命C
get their vitamin D. Food sources of vitamin D include vitamin 的能力。由於維他命C為水溶性,因此每日都會被排出體外,
D-fortified milk, cod liver oil, and fatty fish, such as salmon. Small
amounts can also be found in egg yolks and liver. 而因為人們日常進食的食物維他命C含量不足,所以服用補
Vitamin D promotes the absorption of calcium and phosphorus
and supports the production of several proteins involved in 維他命D3(膽鈣化醇)
calcium absorption and storage. Vitamin D works with calcium
to promote strong, hard bones. It supports the normal transport 人類主要透過適量曬太陽取得維他命D。含有維他命D的食
of calcium out of the osteoblasts into the extra-cellular fluid and 物來源包括添加維他命D的奶類、魚肝油及三文魚等含脂肪
in the kidneys. It also promotes normal calcium and phosphate 魚類,而蛋黃及肝臟亦含少量維他命D。
re-uptake through the renal tubules and intestinal epithelium.
Potassium 維他命D促進鈣及磷的吸收,並支援幾種參與鈣吸收及儲
Potassium is an electrolyte stored in the muscles. Foods rich in 存過程的蛋白質製造。維他命D與鈣相互合作,促進骨骼強
potassium include bananas, oranges, cantaloupes, avocados, 壯、堅固,並支援鈣從成骨細胞輸出至細胞外液以及在腎臟
raw spinach, cabbage and celery. Potassium is an essential
macromineral that helps maintain fluid balance in the body. It 內的傳送。此外,維他命D還促進鈣及磷酸鹽在腎小管及腸
also plays a role in a wide variety of biochemical and physiological 道上皮層被再次吸收。
processes. Potassium supports normal muscle use.