Page 13 - VISION
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Copper is required for normal infant development, red and 銅的好處還有:傳送氧氣至全身、保持頭髮顏色、幫助
white blood cell maturation, iron transport, bone strength, 荷爾蒙的製造、協助維持重要器官如腦及心臟的健康,
cholesterol metabolism, myocardial contractility, glucose 以及刺激免疫系統。
metabolism, brain development and immune function. The
richest dietary sources of copper include nuts, seeds, legumes, 鋅及銅是超氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase,簡稱
livers, kidneys and shellfish.
Some additional benefits of copper include: transporting
oxygen through the body, maintaining hair color, aiding in the
production of hormones, helping to maintain vital organs like 槲皮素
the brain and heart and stimulating the immune system. 槲皮素是一種卓越的抗氧化物,它與維他命C相互合作,
Zinc and copper together are functional components of 還顯示能抑制醛糖還原酵素,據知此酵素會造成不健康
superoxide dismutase (SOD), a key enzyme that is highly 的視力。
effective in neutralizing oxygen radicals, thereby boosting the
antioxidant defense system. 牛黃酸
Quercetin 視網膜、心肌、骨骼及平滑肌、血小板及嗜中性白血球
Quercetin is a bioflavonoid that is an excellent antioxidant 裏大量找到。此外,肌肉、肺及神經細胞的液體內也充
working synergistically with vitamin C to strengthen the walls 滿牛黃酸。食用的牛黃酸主要來自動物,但部份植物及
of the intricate blood vessels in the eye. It also helps to maintain 藻類亦有小量牛黃酸。
lens transparency. Quercetin has been shown to inhibit the
enzyme aldose reductase, which has been known to contribute
to poor eye health. 牛黃酸被界定為必要的氨基酸,用於膠質粒子的形成及
Taurine 收營養以改善身體反應時間而增加能量,牛黃酸也擔當
Taurine is an amino acid that is not incorporated into proteins 重要的角色。此外,它還可以增強靈敏度及集中力。
and can be found present in high amounts in the brain, retina,
myocardium, skeletal and smooth muscle, platelets and 牛黃酸具有抗氧化及穩定細胞膜的功能,它能保護眼睛
neutrophils. It is plentiful in the fluids of muscle, lungs and nerve 免受紫外光的傷害,並穩定眼睛視椎細胞膜。牛黃酸還
tissue. Dietary taurine mainly comes from animal food sources, 支援正常的膽固醇水平及血壓,並或有助維持健康的心
but is also present in low levels in plants and seaweeds. 血管系統,同時提供排毒功能。另外還有科學的跡象顯
Taurine is classified as an essential amino acid used for micelle
formation and fat absorption. It is important in the hydration
of the body and gives an energy boost by stimulating the cells’ 常見問題
nutrient uptake, improving physical reaction time. Additionally, Isotonix® Vision Formula with Lutein葉黃素沖劑的功
it boosts mental alertness and enhances the ability to 能是甚麼?
concentrate. 美國國家衛生研究院資助的「老年眼疾研究」顯
Taurine has antioxidant and membrane-stabilizing activities. 劑含有的抗氧化物能中和自由基並促進視力健康。
It helps protect the eyes from the harmful effects of UV light
and stabilizes the membranes in the cone cells of the eye. It Isotonix Vision Formula with Lutein葉黃素沖劑與其
also supports healthy chlolesterol and blood pressure levels. It 他幫助視力的配方有何不同?
may also help maintain a healthy cardiovascular system while Isotonix葉黃素沖劑包含對整體視力健康的必要維他命及
also delivering detoxifying activities. There is some scientific
suggestion that taurine might support healthy glucose 礦物質。此外,沖劑的等滲形態讓人體得到最大的吸收。
如果我正在服用其他藥物,同時服用Isotonix Vision
Formula with Lutein葉黃素沖劑安全嗎?
Frequently Asked Questions Isotonix葉黃素沖劑內含的成份全為天然,極少機會影響
How does the Isotonix® Vision Formula with Lutein work? 其他藥物,然而,我們仍建議你在服用此產品或其他口
In the Age-Related Eye Disease Study sponsored by the U.S.
National Institute of Health, ingredients like those in Isotonix 服營養補充品前先徵詢醫生的意見。
Vision Formula with Lutein were found to support eye health.
The antioxidants in Isotonix Vision Formula with Lutein promote 我可以服用額外的維他命嗎?
a healthy eye by neutralizing free radicals. 可以。Isotonix葉黃素沖劑與美安香港其他的維他命及礦