Page 16 - VISION
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Vitamin C is best known for its antioxidant properties and may be   維他命C公認是世界上最受歡迎的維他命,它的名聲是建基於它的
        the most important water-soluble antioxidant in the body.  多面性以及驚人效用,它對促進身體功能帶來各種各樣的好處。

        The capacity of vitamin C to support the immune system seems
        to be common knowledge. In support of an elevated vitamin C   維他命C最聞名於世的是它的抗氧化功能,維他命C可能是人體
        intake, an expert scientific panel recently recommended increasing   內最重要的水溶性抗氧化劑。
        the current RDA for vitamin C from 60 mg to at least 100-200 mg
        per day. Next, vitamin C may promote normal pulmonary health.
        Part of the protective action of vitamin C appears to be due to its   維他命C能夠支援免疫系統已是人所共知的事。為支持提升維
        antioxidant properties. Finally, some studies suggest that vitamin   他命C的攝取量,最近,科學專家小組建議把目前的每日建議劑
        C supplementation will help to maintain healthy vision.  量(RDA)由60毫克的維他命C增至每日至少100至200毫克。其

        Vitamin C helps support cardiovascular health in a few different
        ways.  It  assists  in  promoting  normal  levels  of  cholesterol  and   乎是因其抗氧化的功能。最後,研究顯示維他命C補充品將有助
        normal blood pressure and promotes normal platelet activity. It also   於維持健康的視力。
        promotes healthy  triglyceride  levels.  Vitamin  C  protects against
        LDL  peroxidation  by  scavenging  free  radicals.  Vitamin  C  helps   維他命C經由數種不同的途徑來支援心血管健康。它有助促進
        maintain endothelial cell function by promoting the synthesis of   正常的膽固醇水平和血壓,促進正常的血小板活動,還可促進健
        nitric oxide (also known as NO and EDRF for endothelium-derived
        relaxing  factor).  As  mentioned  above,  vitamin  C  helps  preserve   康的三酸甘油酯水平。維他命C可清除自由基以保護並抵抗低密
        intracellular reduced glutathione concentrations. This activity likely   度脂蛋白(LDL)過氧化反應。它透過促進一氧化氮的合成(亦稱
        helps maintain nitric oxide levels and potentiates its vasoactive   為EDRF和NO內皮源性舒張因子),有助於保持血管內皮細胞的
        effects, helping to maintain the integrity of blood vessels.
        Vitamin  C  may  promote  normal  modulation  of  prostaglandin   度。這項活動可有助維持一氧化氮水平和促進血管張力的作用,
        synthesis,  which  in  turn  promotes  normal  vasodilatory  activity.   幫助維持血管的完整性。
        As observed above, vitamin C helps maintain nitric oxide levels
        and  supports  its  ability  to  preserve  the  integrity  of  the  blood   維他命C可促進正常地調節前列腺素的合成,從而能促進血管舒
        vessels. There is an indication that vitamin C supports endothelial-  張的正常活動。如前所述,維他命C有助維持一氧化氮的水平,並
        dependent vasodilation.
        Vitamin C plays a crucial role in maintaining healthy connective   性血管舒張。
        tissues  including  collagen,  elastin,  fibronectin,  proteoglycans,
        bone matrix and elastin-associated fibrillin. Also, a lack of vitamin C   維他命C在維護健康的結締組織時擔當著關鍵的角色,其中包括
        can cause general fatigue. Next, vitamin C helps moderate healthy   膠原蛋白、彈力蛋白、纖維連接蛋白、糖蛋白、骨基質和彈性蛋白
        iron  absorption,  transport  and  storage.  It  promotes  the  normal
        intestinal absorption of iron.                         相關原纖維蛋白。此外,缺乏維他命C可引致全身疲勞。其次,維他
        Beta Carotene (Vitamin A Precursor)
        Vitamin  A  is  a  fat-soluble  vitamin  that  is  part  of  a  family  of    β-胡蘿蔔素(維他命A)
        compounds  including  retinol,  retinal  and  beta-carotene.  Beta-  維他命A是脂溶性的維他命,它屬於一群化合物的家族,此家族
        carotene  is  also  known  as  pro-vitamin  A  because  it  can  be   還包含視黃醛、視黃醇及β-胡蘿蔔素。β-胡蘿蔔素又稱為維他
        converted into vitamin A. The best sources of vitamin A includes
        organ meats (such as liver and kidney) egg yolks, butter, carrot    命A原,因為它能轉化成維他命A。維他命A的最佳來源包括:內臟
        juice,  squash,  sweet  potatoes,  spinach,  peaches,  fortified  dairy   如肝及腎,蛋黃、牛油、甘荀汁、南瓜、蕃薯、菠菜、桃、加工的奶
        products (such as milk and some margarines) and cod liver oil.    類製品如牛奶、部份植物牛油及鱈魚肝油。維他命A具有抗老化
        Vitamin  A  has  exhibited  anti-aging  and  antioxidant  activities.
        Vitamin  A  helps  to  maintain  vision.  It  promotes  normal  bone   及抗氧化功能。維他命A有助鞏固視力。 它還能促進骨骼成長及
        growth  and  also  contributes  to  a  healthy  immune  system.   免疫系統健康。在表皮細胞分化、成長、繁殖、胚胎形成時的模
        Vitamin A plays supports normal epithelial differentiation, growth,   式形成、骨骼發育、造血作用及腦部發育等多個範疇,維他命A均
        reproduction,  pattern  formation  during  embryogenesis,  bone   擔當重要的角色。兒童尤其容易受到維他命A缺乏症的影響。
        development,  hematopoiesis  and  brain  development.  Children
        are particularly susceptible to the effects of vitamin A deficiency.   碳酸氫鈉鉀

        Potassium (Bicarbonate)                                富含鉀的食物包括新鮮蔬果,如香蕉、橙、哈密瓜、牛油果、未
        Foods rich in potassium include fresh vegetables and fruits such   煮的菠菜、白菜及芹菜。
        as bananas, oranges, cantaloupe, avocado, raw spinach, cabbage
        and celery.                                            鉀是幫助維持體液平衡的重要巨量礦物質。在生化和生理過程
        Potassium is an essential macromineral that helps to keep fluid
        balance. It also plays a role in a wide variety of biochemical and   傳遞、心臟、骨骼肌和平滑肌的正常收縮、能量的正常產生、核
        physiological  processes.  Among  other  things,  it  promotes  the   酸的正常合成、保養內細胞的強壯的和維持血壓的正常。鉀能促
        normal  transmission  of  nerve  impulses,  the  normal  contraction   進肌肉的放鬆,支持胰島素正常的釋放。同時可促進正常糖原和
        of  cardiac,  skeletal  and  smooth  muscle,  the  normal  production   蛋白質的合成。鉀是一種電解質可促進規律的心跳,在新陳代
        of energy, the normal synthesis of nucleic acids, the maintenance
        of  intracellular  tonicity  and  the  maintenance  of  normal  blood   謝的過程中尤為重要,能支援蛋白質、脂肪和碳水化合物釋放
        pressure.  Potassium  promotes  muscle  relaxation,  and  supports   正常的能量。
        normal  insulin  release.  It  also  promotes  normal  glycogen  and
        protein synthesis. Potassium is an electrolyte that promotes proper   鉀同時可促進正常調節身體的水份平衡,協助身體把廢物正常
        heartbeat, and it is important in supporting the normal release of
        energy from protein, fat, and carbohydrates during metabolism.
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