Page 20 - VISION
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Frequently Asked Questions: 常見問題:
How does Isotonix® Açai Advanced Energy compare Isotonix® Açai 巴西莓對比其他能量飲品有何區別?
with other energy drinks? 與其他能量飲品不同,Isotonix® Açai 巴西莓含有多種水果粉劑及
Isotonix Açai, unlike other energy drinks, provides strong
antioxidant protection from various fruits powders and extracts, 萃取物,能提供強效抗氧化保護,並同時提供提升能量的維他命及
while also supplying energy promoting vitamins and amino 氨基酸。
Since Isotonix Açai is isotonic, why does it need 收減慢的話,這樣會使產品更為有效嗎?
caffeine? Would it not be more potent if it were more Isotonix Açai 巴西莓內含的咖啡因是成份中天然組成部份,即使是
slowly absorbed?
Caffeine is present as a natural component of the ingredients 非等滲狀態下,咖啡因都為所需的人提供額外的能量效果。如果吸
contained in Isotonix Açai. Whether isotonic or not, caffeine 收減慢的話,產品也不會更為有效。
provides an extra “energy push” for those who want it. No, this
product would not be more potent if it were absorbed more Isotonix Açai巴西莓會否提供不含咖啡因的口味?
Will there ever be a version of Isotonix Açai that is
caffeine free? 服用Isotonix Açai巴西莓有何禁忌?
No. It would not be as effective. 如果你正在服用單胺氧化酶抑制劑(MAOI)或血管緊張素轉換酶抑
Are there any contraindications for Isotonix Açai? 甲狀腺疾病/甲狀腺功能亢進症、精神分裂症或躁鬱症,你不應服
Yes. If you are currently taking monoamine oxidase inhibitors
(MAOI) or angiotensin converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, 用此產品。正服用處方藥物的話,應該與此產品分開服用。如果你
you should not take this product. If you have phenylketonuria 正服用處方藥物或患有長期病患,在使用此產品前,應先諮詢你的
(PKU), high blood pressure, thyroid disease/Graves’s disease, 醫生。婦女懷孕期間或哺乳期間,不應服用此產品。避免兒童誤取
schizophrenia or bipolar disorder, you should not take this product. 此產品。
Take this supplement separately from prescription medications. If
you are taking any other prescription drugs or have an ongoing Isotonix Açai巴西莓可與Isotonix OPC-3抗氧化沖劑一
medical condition, you should consult your physician before
using this product. Women who are pregnant or nursing should 起服用嗎?
not use this product. Keep out of reach of children. 可以,兩者一起服用具有互補效用。
Can Isotonix Açai be taken with Isotonix OPC-3®? 如果我患有高血壓,可以服用Isotonix Açai巴西莓
Yes, Isotonix Açai and Isotonix OPC-3 would be complementary 嗎?
when taken together.
Can I take Isotonix Açai if I have high blood pressure? 等藥物或會與Isotonix Açai巴西莓內含的某些成份產生有害反應。
This would depend on which medication a person has been 服用前,請先仔細閱讀上述警告或參閱包裝紙。如正在服用任何藥
prescribed. For example, angiotensin converting-enzyme 物,在服用任何草本營養補充品前,最好先諮詢醫生意見。
inhibiting (ACEI) drugs may interact adversely with certain
ingredients in Açai. Please see warning section above or on the
label. If someone is taking any medication, it is always best to Isotonix Açai巴西莓可以與其他Isotonix產品一起服用
check with a physician before starting any herbal nutritional 嗎?如可以,有哪些產品?
product. 可以。Isotonix Açai巴西莓與其他Isotonix產品一起服用均為安
全,但必須遵照每種產品指定的份量服用。Isotonix OPC-3®抗氧
Can Isotonix Açai be taken with other Isotonix
products? If so, which ones? 化沖劑、Maximum ORAC沖劑、Vision Formula葉黃素沖劑均可與
Yes. Isotonix Açai can safely be taken with other Isotonix products, Isotonix Açai巴西莓一起服用。
provided one follows the recommended serving size for each
product. Isotonix OPC-3®, Maximum ORAC and Vision Formula Isotonix Açai巴西莓是如何服用的?
can all be taken with Isotonix Açai. 將兩小瓶蓋(白色旋蓋)的粉劑倒進杯內,加入4液安士水(顏色外
How should I take Isotonix Açai? 蓋上的劃線顯示為2液安士),然後拌勻飲用。
Pour two level capfuls (white screwcap) of the powder into a
cup. Add 4 fl. oz. (line on the colored overcap indicates 2 fl. oz.) Isotonix Açai巴西莓有任何過敏原嗎?
of water and stir. Isotonix Açai巴西莓為素食產品,不含小麥、大豆、酵母、麩質、人造
Are there any allergens in Isotonix Açai?
Isotonix Açai is a vegetarian product and contains no wheat, soy,
yeast, gluten, artificial flavor, starch, salt, preservatives or milk.