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Product Name: Isotonix® Multivitamin

                                            產品名稱: Isotonix® Multivitamin綜合維他命

                                            HK13004 –  Single Bottle Size (90 servings)
                                                     單瓶裝 (90次份量)
                                         Primary Benefits:                     主要好處:
                                         4   Supports a healthy immune system  4  支援免疫系統健康
                                         4   Contains the recommended daily    4  包含每日建議所需維他命及多
                                            value of essential vitamins and
                                            most minerals                          種礦物質
                                         4   Promotes the conversion of food   4  促進食物轉化成能量
                                            into energy                        4  有助身體組織健康成長及修復
                                         4   Promotes healthy growth and repair
                                            of body tissue

        What Makes Isotonix® Multivitamin                      此產品為何與眾不同?
        Unique?                                                Isotonix®  Multivitamin綜合維他命富含多種重要維他命及礦物
        Isotonix  Multivitamin  contains  essential  vitamins  and  minerals.   質。現在市面上有很多多種維他命和礦物質的補充品,而只有
        There are a wide variety of multivitamin and mineral supplements   Isotonix  Multivitamin綜合維他命含有獨特補充營養的維他命
        on the market today. Only Isotonix Multivitamin contains a unique
        blend  of  complementary  vitamins  and  minerals  providing  a   及礦物質配方,經由高效能的營養傳輸系統,能提供優質的
        sound micronutrient foundation in a superior nutrient delivery   微量營養素。

        The isotonic delivery system bears a chemical resemblance to   等滲透表示「相等的壓力」,和身體眼淚、血漿和母乳的液體
        the body’s own fluids such as tears, plasma and breast milk. All   化學性壓力相似。身體的體液都有特定濃度,也就是滲透壓。
        fluids in the human body have a certain concentration, which is   身體正常的滲透壓,稱之為等滲透壓,讓身體組織能維持平
        called the osmotic pressure. The body’s osmotic pressure, which
        is isotonic, allows for consistent maintenance of all body tissues.   衡。為了讓營養素能有效率地被身體吸收,必須要以等滲透
        In order for a nutrient to be utilized in the body’s metabolism, it   溶液方式傳輸。
        must be delivered in the isotonic state.
        When an isotonic substance enters the body, it will be absorbed
        into the bloodstream rapidly. With isotonic fluids, little nutritive   中,因為等滲壓液能直接由小腸吸收,所以營養價值的流
        value is lost because the solution passes directly into the small   失非常有限,身體便能非常有效率地吸收營養素。Isotonix®
        intestine  making  the  absorption  of  nutrients  highly  efficient.   Multivitamin綜合維他命每劑都能輸送高品質、高效能的營
        Isotonix Multivitamin delivers quality and results every time.
        Key Ingredients in Isotonix Multivitamin
        Vitamin  A  (Beta-Carotene):  Vitamin  A  is  a  fat-soluble   主要成份:
        vitamin that is needed by all body tissues for growth and repair. It
        is part of a group of compounds that include retinol, retinal and   維他命A(β胡蘿蔔素):維他命
        beta-carotene.  Beta-carotene,  also  known  as  pro-vitamin  A,  is   A是脂溶性維他命,身體組織藉
        transformed by the body into vitamin A. Vitamin A improves the   以促進生長和修護。維他命A是
        eyes’ sensitivity to light. It supports the normal function of the
        epithelial tissue, and helps keep skin and mucous membranes
        healthy. Vitamin A also helps with the growth and development
        of teeth and bones.

        Calcium: Calcium is an essential mineral with a wide range of
        biological roles. Calcium exists in bone primarily in the form of
        hydroxyapatite  (Ca10  (PO4)6  (OH)  2).  Hydroxyapatite  comprises
        approximately 40 percent of the weight of bone. The skeleton
        has  an  obvious  structural  requisite  for  calcium.  The  skeleton
        also acts as a storehouse for calcium. Apart from being a major
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