Page 35 - VISION
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the glysosidic bond is attacked. Alpha-amylases hydrolyze 澱粉酵素則產生葡萄糖。澱粉酵素被用作消化劑。澱粉
alpha-1, 4-glycosidic linkages, randomly yielding dextrins, 酵素活性以DU為單位。
oligosaccharides and monosaccharides. Alpha-amylases
are endo-amylases. Exoamylases hydrolyze the alpha-1,
4-glycosidic linkage only from the non-reducing 蛋白酵素
outer polysaccharide chain ends. Exoamylases include 蛋白酵素是分解蛋白質內氨基酸肽鍵的酵素。這個過
beta-amylases and glucoamylases (gamma-amylases, 程稱為蛋白質分解,是一種調節酵素活性(尤其與凝血
amyloglucosidases). Beta-amylases yield beta-limit 或消化有關)的常見機制。
dextrins and maltose. Gamma-amylases yield glucose.
Amylases are used as digestants. Amylase activity is
expressed as Dextrinizing Units or DU. 蛋白酵素天然存在於所有生物。
Protease 乳糖酵素
Proteases are enzymes that break peptide bonds 乳糖酵素參與雙糖類乳糖的水解過程,將其分解成半
between amino acids in proteins. The process is called 乳糖和葡萄糖單體。於人體內,乳糖酵素主要位於腸黏
proteolytic cleavage, a common mechanism of activation 膜絨毛表層,對牛奶內乳糖的水解消化非常重要。缺乏
or inactivation of enzymes especially involved in blood
coagulation or digestion. 乳糖酵素導致乳糖不耐症,而很多人到了成年才出現
Proteases occur naturally in all organisms.
Lactase 脂肪酵素
Lactases are enzymes involved in the hydrolysis of the 脂肪酵素催化脂類基質酯鍵的水解過程。多數脂肪酵
disaccharide lactose into constituent galactose and glucose 素在脂類基質(A1、A2或A3)的甘油主鍵上的特定位置
monomers. In humans, lactase is present predominantly 產生作用。所有生物都有脂肪酵素,而若干病菌更具有
along the brush border membrane of the differentiated 基因編碼脂肪酵素。脂肪酵素協助人體代謝、吸收及
enterocytes lining the villi of the small intestine. Lactase
is essential for digestive hydrolysis of lactose in milk. 運送脂肪。由於生物膜是細胞不可或缺的部份,而且主
Deficiency of the enzyme causes lactose intolerance; many 要由磷脂組成,故脂肪酵素對細胞生物非常重要。
humans become lactose intolerant as adults.
Lipase 纖維酵素是一種酵素複合物,可將纖維分解成β葡萄
A lipase is an enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of ester
bonds in lipid substrates. Most lipases act at a specific 糖。除草食性動物外,大部份動物(包括人類)無法製
position on the glycerol backbone of a lipid substrate 造纖維酵素,因此無法利用大部份存在於植物的能量。
(A1, A2 or A3). Lipases are ubiquitous throughout living
organisms, and genes encoding lipases are even present in 纖維素是不可被消化的植物多糖,是植物細胞壁的主
certain viruses. Lipases help in the metabolism, absorption 要組成元素。纖維酵素可以分解纖維,代表它可水解
and transport of lipids throughout the body. As biological 纖維素。纖維酵素用於協助消化,以調節胃氣脹。纖維
membranes are integral to living cells and are largely
composed of phospholipids, lipases play important roles 酵素活性以CU為單位。
in cell biology.
Cellulase 蔗糖酵素參與蔗糖水解至果糖和葡萄糖的過程。蔗糖
Cellulase is an enzyme complex which breaks down 酵素由小腸上皮絨毛尖端分泌,其水平因口炎性腹瀉
cellulose to beta-glucose. Aside from herbivores, most
animals (including humans) do not produce cellulase in 等令絨毛受損的情況而減低。懷孕和哺乳期間,絨毛變
their bodies and are, therefore, unable to use much of the 得肥大,蔗糖酵素水平因而上升。
energy contained in plant material.
芽孢乳酸菌– Lactospore™
Cellulose is an indigestible plant polysaccharide. It is the
principal constituent of the cell wall of plants. Cellulase has 芽孢乳酸菌是一種乳酸菌,由Sabinsa Corporation製造
cellulolytic activity, meaning that it hydrolyzes cellulose. 及分銷。自古以來,人類一直飲用發酵奶類。發酵奶類
Cellulase is used as a digestive aid for the management of 有效紓緩腸胃道疾病,因而於全球各地獲應用於傳統
flatulence. The activity of cellulase is expressed in cellulose 醫學。乳酸菌是發酵奶類內的土著微生物叢,亦天然存
units or CU.
Sucrase 貢獻。
Sucrase is the enzyme involved in the hydrolysis of sucrose
to fructose and glucose. It is secreted by the tips of the 於腸胃道微生態學上,乳酸菌的功效廣獲研究。普遍相
villi of the epithelium in the small intestines. Its levels are 信,乳酸菌阻止腐敗細菌生長;腐敗細菌會透過競爭性
reduced in response to villi blunting events such as celiac 抑制、產生不利的酸性環境和/或產生抑菌素而對健
sprue. Sucrase increases during pregnancy and lactation 康造成不良影響。乳酸菌的代謝物或包括B類維他命。
as villi hypertrophy.