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Isotonix® Digestive Enzyme Powder Drink Lemon-Lime Flavor

                                         HK13006 –  Single Bottle (90 Servings)

                                         Primary Benefits                    主要好處
                                         4 Supports digestive health         4 支援消化健康
                                         4  Supports the metabolism of       4 支援食物代謝,提升營養價值
                                            foods for better nutrition

        What Makes Isotonix® Digestive Enzyme                  Isotonix®消化酵素沖飲-檸檬青檸味有何
        Powder Drink Lemon-Lime Flavor Unique?                 獨特之處?
        Enzymes are important for the body’s proper absorption   酵素對人體正常吸收與利用食物非常重要。隨時間過
        and utilization of food. Over time, the body’s ability to make   去,自然老化過程會令人體製造部份酵素的能力減弱。
        certain enzymes decreases as part of the natural aging
        process. Many scientists now believe that maintaining   現時,很多科學家相信維持主要酵素的正常水平,是維
        normal levels of key enzymes is important to maintain   持整體健康的關鍵。酵素參與人體各項活動。蛋白酵
        overall health. Enzymes are responsible for every activity of   素(協助消化蛋白質)、澱粉酵素(協助消化碳水化合
        life. Proteases (aids in digesting protein), amylases (aids in   物)及脂肪酵素(協助消化脂肪)是三種主要消化酵素;
        digesting carbohydrates) and lipases (aids in digesting fats)   這些酵素是人體分解食物的生物催化劑。
        are three of the primary digestive enzymes, which function
        as biological catalysts for the breaking down of food.
        In today’s world of processed and fast foods, the body   加吃力;而酵素越少,這過程就越加困難。此外,不良
        must work harder to break down food. The lower the     飲食習慣、使用部份藥物和疾病亦令人體的天然細菌數
        enzymes available to the body, the harder it is. In addition,   目減少,而這些細菌對維持消化道健康不可缺少。
        poor eating habits, some medications and illnesses
        deplete the body’s natural bacteria which are necessary   Isotonix®消化酵素沖飲-檸檬青檸味是等滲透的營養
        for maintaining a healthy digestive tract.
        Isotonix® Digestive Enzyme Powder Drink  Lemon-Lime    素、乳糖酵素及脂肪酵素混合配方)、Lactospore™(芽
        Flavor  is  an  isotonic-capable  food  supplement  that  is   孢乳酸菌)與蔗糖酵素組合製成。本產品補充重要消化
        made from a combination of DigeZyme™* (blend of the    酵素和益生菌,有助維持消化健康。Isotonix®消化酵素
        enzymes amylase, protease, cellulase, lactase and lipase),   沖飲-檸檬青檸味有助營養消化和吸收,並或有助紓
        Lactospore™* (the probiotic Bacillus coagulans) and
        sucrase. This product is designed to replenish essential   緩偶發性胃部不適。
        digestive enzymes and probiotics, contributing to good
        digestive health. Isotonix® Digestive Enzyme Powder    *DigeZyme™及Lactospore™是Sabinsa Corporation的商標。
        Drink Lemon-Lime Flavor helps the digestion and absorption
        of nutrients, and may help ease occasional stomach upset.   主要成份

        *DigeZyme™ and Lactospore™ are trademarks of the Sabinsa Corporation.  澱粉酵素
        Key Ingredients                                        成糊精、寡糖、麥芽糖及D-葡萄糖。澱粉酵素來自動
        Amylase                                                物、真菌和植物。澱粉酵素根據醣苷鍵斷裂的方式分為
        Amylases are enzymes that catalyze the hydrolysis of   幾種。α-澱粉酵素水解α-1,4-醣苷鍵,隨機得出糊精、寡
        alpha-1, 4-glycosidic linkages of polysaccharides to   糖和單糖。α-澱粉酵素為內切型酵素。外切型澱粉酵素
        yield dextrins, oligosaccharides, maltose and D-glucose.
        Amylases are derived from animal, fungal and plant     只水解多醣鏈非還原端的α-1,4糖苷鍵。外切型澱粉酵
        sources. There are a few different amylases. These     素包含β澱粉酵素和澱粉葡萄糖化酵素(γ-澱粉酵素、
        enzymes are classified according to the manner in which   澱粉葡萄糖)。β澱粉酵素產生β-限制糊精和麥芽糖,γ
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