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Frequently Asked Questions                             常見問題
            What may Ultimate Aloe help with?                      Ultimate Aloe蘆薈汁對身體有何幫助?
            Ultimate Aloe has been said to help with promoting proper   Ultimate Aloe蘆薈汁據稱可以有助維持正常消化功能,而且
            digestive health. It also has a history of supporting the healthy
            immune system and helping to maintain general well-being.  有歷史記載,蘆薈有助於鞏固免疫系統,幫助維持身體整體
            Is Ultimate Aloe cold-processed?
            No, it is pasteurized.  Pasteurization is the process by which   Ultimate Aloe蘆薈汁是用低溫處理的嗎?
            the product eliminates bacteria to prevent contamination and   不是。Ultimate Aloe蘆薈汁是經巴氏加熱殺菌法處理的。巴氏
            What is the concentration of Ultimate Aloe in the      損壞。
            different flavors?
            All flavors have 100% Aloe vera juice.                 不同口味的Ultimate Aloe蘆薈汁的純度有何不同?
                                                                   不同口味的Ultimate Aloe蘆薈汁均為100%蘆薈汁。
            Why does the taste vary?
            The taste will vary from lot to lot due to the seasonal time of
            harvest. The sun and the amount of water the plants receive   為什麽每批產品味道會有不同?
            are directly responsible for the ripeness of the plants. Just as   每批產品味道有所不同是因為蘆薈收成季節不同之故。植物
            with any vegetable, you will have a different taste depending   本身所吸收陽光與水分的多少,均直接影響植物本身的成熟
            upon the growing process.                              度。這種情形和任何蔬菜一樣,由於其成長過程間的差異,
            What benefits are there in taking a liquid form of     其味道嚐起來就有所不同。
            Aloe instead of a tablet form?
            The liquid form of Aloe is more bioavailable than pill form.   與片劑相比較,蘆薈汁有什麽好處?
            I noticed the IASC Seal on the Ultimate Aloe bottles.
            What is it and what does it mean for me?               我注意到Ultimate Aloe蘆薈汁的瓶上有IASC的
            The seal is a certificate from the International Aloe Science   印記。這個印記有什麽用?
            Council (IASC). It demonstrates that the quality of Aloe
            in Ultimate Aloe has been validated and certified by an   此印記是國際蘆薈科學協會(IASC)的證書標誌。這表示
            independent group of professionals. Market Hong Kong has   Ultimate Aloe蘆薈汁的品質已經過獨立的專業人士鑑定。美
            made a strong commitment to sell a standardized, well-defined,   安香港公司鄭重承諾:公司銷售的產品都經過標準化、規範
            thoroughly tested product that meets the rigid standards of   化製作,並經過全面檢測,符合國際蘆薈科學協會所制定的
            the Council.
            Why is it so important to use Aloe vera leaves?
            Modern chemical analysis of Aloe leaves shows that the active   爲什麽要用蘆薈葉片?
            agents that are responsible for the plant’s widely celebrated   對蘆薈葉片所作的現代化學分析顯示,使蘆薈具著名療效的
            health properties are concentrated in the green skin (rind) and   活性物質集中在其綠皮(外殼皮)與皮下的黃汁(乳汁)中。
            yellow  sap  (latex)  which  is found  just  under  the  skin.  Other
            studies show that the gel (thick center of the leaf) should be   其他研究也顯示,任何蘆薈產品均應包含蘆薈膠(葉片中央
            included in all Aloe products because it acts as a buffering   較厚的部分),因為它有舒緩作用,能舒緩與冷卻人體組織。
            agent to soothe and cool body tissue.
            The juice of Aloe contains at least 99.1% water which means
            that the polysaccharides (acemannan and other long-chain   其他長鍊糖)、醣蛋白及其他成份含量不到1%。因此我們得
            sugars), glycoproteins, and other components constitute less   知,蘆薈的奇妙好處得自數量相當少的多種成份,這許多成份
            than 1% of the juice. Therefore, we know that the amazing   必須交互作用才能產生單項成份所無法單獨產生的好處。
            benefits of Aloe are produced by relatively small amounts of
            many components, acting together synergistically to produce   為什麽要從蘆薈裡除去蘆薈素?
            benefits that no single agent can produce alone.
            Why is the aloin removed from the Aloe?                成的混合物,它是很強的瀉劑,因此必須先將之除去之後才
            Fresh Aloe vera juice contains aloin. Aloin is a compound which   能安全地將蘆薈汁做成具局部功效的產品或健康飲料。
            is produced from emodin and glucose, and is a very powerful
            laxative, which must be eliminated from the juice if it is to be   使用Ultimate Aloe 蘆薈汁安全嗎?
            used safely as an ingredient in topical products or as a health
            drink.                                                 Ultimate Aloe蘆薈汁安全及不含有害物質。本產品在美國製
            Is Ultimate Aloe safe?                                 好生產規範。顧客對本產品的質量和安全可絕對有信心。
            Ultimate Aloe is safe and free of harmful agents. The product
            is made in the United States in FDA-inspected facilities using
            Good Manufacturing Practices. Customers can have confidence
            in the quality and safety of this product.
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