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Product Name:  Complete Greens™

                                         HK13143 –  Single Bottle (60 Servings)
                                                  單瓶裝 (60次份量)
                                       Primary Benefits:                      主要好處:
                                       4   Helps maintain a healthy digestive tract   4 有助維持消化道健康
                                       4   Helps individuals receive well-rounded
                                          nutrition                           4 有助人們攝取全面營養
                                       4  Aids in providing the body with
                                          enzymes, nutrients, probiotics and   4 有助為人體提供含豐富蔬果飲食
                                          phytonutrients that a vegetable-rich        包含的酵素、營養素、益生菌及
                                          diet offers
                                       4   Promotes cleansing of the body       植物營養
                                       4   Helps provide beneficial probiotic   4 促進人體正常排泄運作
                                          activity and natural enzymes
                                       4   Helps fight fatigue                4 有助提供有益益生菌活性及酵素
                                       4   Helps benefit the body’s organs with   4 有助對抗疲勞
                                       4   Promotes healthy functions in the   4 以多種營養有助有益於人體內臟
                                          immune system
                                                                              4 促進健康免疫系統功能

        What Makes This Product Unique?                        此產品有何獨特之處?
        Market Hong Kong has made obtaining a healthier diet easier   為使大家能更容易地達到健康飲食,美安香港特別推出
        through  the  use  of  Complete  Greens™,  a  unique  blend  of   Complete Greens™全方位蔬果精華。此蔬果精華擁有獨特配
        over 50 natural ingredients that helps ensure you ingest the
        nutrients from vegetables and fruits that you need daily. The   方,包含超過五十種天然成份,確保你每日攝取必要份量的
        ingredients in Complete Greens have been carefully selected   蔬果營養。Complete Greens的成份經過精挑細選,為你提供
        and provide a wide variety of vegetable-derived nutrients that   多種從蔬菜提取的營養,這些營養連一貫注重健康的人也難
        even a health-oriented person would have difficulty obtaining   於從日常飲食完全攝取。
        on a daily basis.
        A vegetable-rich diet is a smart way to start looking, feeling   要擁有更健康的外表,感覺更健康,活得更健康,從飲食中攝
        and living better. Complete Greens offers a diverse range of   取豐富的蔬菜是聰明的做法。Complete Greens全方位蔬果精
        benefits from green vegetables and natural grass fibers that are   華提供多種青菜及天然草類纖維的好處,它們的鈉、脂肪及
        low in sodium, fat and calories. It contains no cholesterol and   卡路里含量低,不含膽固醇,而且是鐵、維他命C、鎂及鈣的絕
        is a good source of iron, vitamin C, magnesium and calcium.
        With natural enzymes, Complete Greens helps to maintain a   佳來源。Complete Greens全方位蔬果精華還含有多種天然酵
        healthy digestive tract. Adding natural grass, vegetable and fruit   素,有助維持健康的消化系統,並為你的日常飲食添加天然草
        extracts to your diet daily will help your body cleanse itself.        汁及其他多種蔬菜和水果,有助促進人體自我清潔功能。

        Key Ingredients                                        主要成份
        Apple Fiber                                            蘋果纖維
        Apple fiber is most beneficial in normalizing bowel function. It
        also supports healthy colon function. Fiber is generally found   蘋果纖維對腸道功能正常化至為有
        in the seeds, stems and leaves of plants. Fiber found in foods is   益,它能促進結腸功能健康。纖維普
        usually a mixture of soluble and insoluble fiber. Foods such as   遍存於植物的種子、莖及葉,而食物
        the apple contain both types of fiber.                 中的纖維通常是可溶性及非可溶性
        Soy Lecithin
        Soy  lecithin  is  a  phospholipid  that  supplies  an  exceptional   時包含這兩種纖維。
        amount  of  choline,  which  is  a  major  component  of  cell
        membranes and is important for cellular repair.  It is important
        because without it, the cell membranes would harden, which
        would prohibit essential nutrients from entering and leaving
        cells. Soy lecithin’s role in the maintenance of cell membranes
        is essential to all the basic biological processes.

        Barley Grass
        Barley grass is a rich source of chlorophyll, which is believed
        to  have  some  health-promoting  functions.  Some  common
        uses of barley grass are improving digestion, increasing energy
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