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forgotten. Fiber benefits include the ability to help improve
        intestinal movement, increase the feeling of fullness, and   為什麼纖維對整體健康如此重要?
        facilitate excretion to maintain intestinal regularity.  很不幸的是,現代人的生活方式使得一般人從他們的飲食中

        What exactly are probiotics?                           沒有獲得足夠的纖維素。這絕不是好事,因為纖維事實上應
        Probiotics are various species of beneficial bacteria.  They   該是飲食中最重要的構成要素之一,然而卻往往被人們忽略
        shouldn’t be confused however with the unhealthy bacteria   了。纖維的益處包括促進腸道蠕動、增加飽肚感、促進排便
        that can build up in our colons due to various reasons such   以維持腸道運作的規律性。
        as an unhealthy diet. Probiotics, like the ones found in
        NutriClean™ Advanced Fiber Powder, actually offset the actions
        of surplus harmful bacteria, thus paving the way for optimal   益生菌 (probiotics) 是什麼?
        overall body health. The use of probiotics has been found to   益生菌(probiotics)是一種細菌,但這種細菌和那些因不當飲
        be helpful for maintaining an optimally functioning digestive   食而累積在結腸內的不健康細菌不可混為一談。NutriClean™
        system.  For centuries, cultures all over the world (Georgia,   營康淨腸道營養纖維粉配方中所含的益生菌能抗衡多餘的
        Azerbaijan, Ecuador, Himalayas) have used a variety of healthy
        microflora (probiotics) to sustain a healthy body. Probiotics   有害細菌,為最佳的整體保健鋪下健康之路。益生菌被發現
        need to be given in high amounts with over 1 billion per   有助於維持理想的消化系統功能。幾世紀以來,世界各地的
        dose to be effective.  They should also be consumed regularly.    文化諸如格魯吉亞、亞塞拜彊、厄瓜多爾和喜馬拉雅山脈地
        NutriClean™ Advanced Fiber Powder includes 1.5 billion CFUs   帶,已廣泛使用各種不同種類的健康菌叢(益生菌)來維持
        per serving including  Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus   身體的健康。益生菌必須以每次攝取量超過10億菌落數最
        plantarum, Lactobacillus casei and Bifidobacteria bifidum.
        How do I take NutriClean™ Advanced Fiber Powder?       養纖維粉配方中每一份含有15億菌落數的益生菌,包括嗜乳
        Mix  one  rounded  scoop  of  NutriClean™  Advanced  Fiber   酸桿菌(Lactobacillus acidophilus)、胚芽乳酸桿菌(Lactobacillus
        Powder in 237 ml of cold water, stir or shake briskly, and drink   plantarum)、酪蛋白乳酸桿菌(Lactobacillus casei)以及雙歧雙叉桿
        immediately. Drink plenty of fluids while using this product.    菌(Bifidobacteria bifidum)。
        With one daily scoop of Market Hong Kong’s NutriClean™
        Advanced Fiber Powder, you receive 9 g. of needed fiber that
        will supplement what you are not able to take in through food.     如何飲用 NutriClean™ 營康淨腸道營養纖維粉?

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