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Fibersol-2™ (soluble fiber glucose polymer complex) 菊糖纖維(菊苣根的低聚果糖萃取物)
Fibersol-2™ is a type of soluble fiber. It has some positive impact 菊糖纖維是一種益菌素纖維,益菌素(Prebiotics)是益菌的食
on the elimination of wastes and intestinal cleansing, and it 物來源。菊糖或低聚果糖是澱粉形態的纖維,人體不能完全
may assist in stabilizing blood pressure. This new dietary fiber
is a spray-dried powder made by the pyrolysis and stabilized 消化。當人體進食益菌素時,未能消化的部份為消化道的益
enzymatic hydrolysis of cornstarch. It is generally recognized 菌提供養份。菊糖可促進益菌數量增長,如結腸內的雙叉桿
as safe (GRAS) as maltodextrin, which is easily mixed in water 菌(bifidobacteria)。雙叉桿菌可抑制致病細菌的滋長。
and carries no flavor.
Fibersol-2™ has a very low viscosity, high solubility, low
hygroscopicity and clarity in solution. Fibersol-2™是一種水溶性纖維,對消除廢物及腸道清洗有正
Studies on Fibersol-2™ have looked at its health benefits 是透過玉米粉高溫分解及穩定酵素水解而製成的噴霧風乾
which include effects on the digestive tract, blood glucose 粉末。Fibersol-2™被美國食品藥物主管機構給予「安全可靠」
and cholesterol levels. Physiologically, the ingredient has been
shown to increase both bowel regularity and stool volume. 的檢驗標記,與麥芽糊精同樣安全,易於溶於水中,而且不含
Fibersol-2™ is capable of increasing the amount of good 任何味道。
bacteria (probiotics) within the large intestine.
Due to its health benefits and wide variety of uses, Fibersol-2™
has been used in many foods given FOSHU (Foods for Specified 為清澈的溶液。
Health Use) status in Japan. Products such as beverages, cookies
and sausages containing Fibersol-2™ are being marketed in 研究顯示Fibersol-2™對人體健康有益,其中包括對消化道、血
Japan with health claims such as “bowel regularity,” “blood 糖及膽固醇水平的好處。生理學上,Fibersol-2™顯示能促進正
glucose control effect” and “lowering cholesterol effect.” 常的腸道活動規律及排便量。Fibersol-2™能增加大腸中的益菌
Probiotic Blend (Lactobacillus acidophilus, 數量。
Lactobacillus plantarum, Bifidobacterium bifidum,
Lactobacillus casei) 由於Fibersol-2™ 對健康的益處及其廣泛的用途,它在日本被
Probiotics such as Lactobacillus acidophilus are forms of bacteria 應用在大量「具有特別健康用途的食品」(Foods for Specified
that are also known as the “beneficial” or “good” bacteria. Health Use)。在日本,巿面售賣含有 Fibersol-2™ 的飲品、曲奇
These bacteria actually help to maintain a healthy functioning 餅及香腸等均標明聲稱有促進「腸道規律」、「控制血糖」及
digestive tract. Disruptions to these populations of probiotics
(good bacteria) are common and must be kept at adequate 「降低膽固醇」效果。
levels in order to overwhelm other disease-promoting
bacteria, which may begin to run rampant in the event the 益生菌混合物(包括嗜乳酸桿菌、胚芽乳酸桿菌、雙
good bacteria levels decrease. In displacing other bacteria and 歧雙叉桿菌及酪蛋白乳酸桿菌)
yeast, acidophilus (and other beneficial bacteria like plantarum,
bifidum and casei) may also play a significant role in prevention 益生菌如嗜酸桿菌是特定形式的細菌,亦稱之為「益菌」。事
of gastrointestinal ailments. 實上,這些細菌有助維持健康的消化道功能。益菌量減少是
All in all, the probiotic bacteria tend to result in a heightened 的細菌,如益菌量下降,其他細菌則會開始大量滋長。透過
ability of the immune system to recognize invading organisms. 除去其他細菌及酵母菌的功能,嗜酸桿菌(及其他益菌如胚
Several key fighters of the immune system, including
macrophages, immunoglobulins and cytokines are benefited 芽乳酸桿菌、雙歧雙叉桿菌及酪蛋白乳酸桿菌)在防止腸胃
by regular intake of beneficial bacteria. 毛病上也擔當重要的角色。
Frequently Asked Questions 總括來說,益生菌支援免疫系統確認入侵生物的能力。長期
What Makes NutriClean™ Advanced Fiber different 服用益菌,免疫系統中幾種主要的「戰士」,包括吞噬細胞、
from something I can find in a local store? 免疫球蛋白及細胞激素都獲益。
NutriClean™ is revolutionary in the way of intestinal health.
While most fibers in grocery stores or pharmacies may help 常見問題
to promote a laxative effect, they are still leaving out key
ingredients. Unlike common fibers which supply only simple NutriClean™ 營康淨腸道營養纖維粉和一般市面商
laxative fibers, NutriClean™ Advanced Fiber Powder contains 店購買的纖維粉有何不同?
the nutrient L-glutamine which fuels the digestive system. NutriClean™營康淨腸道營養纖維粉是腸道健康的革命性創
It also contains two high-quality, well-researched fibers — 新產品。大多數超市和藥房售賣的纖維產品,都或有助通
Fibersol-2™ and inulin. Our fiber blend contains 1.5 billion CFUs
of friendly bacteria (probiotics) per serving, which play a vital 便,然而卻缺少了一些重要成份。不像巿面一般的纖維粉僅
role, directly or indirectly, in our overall body health. 含簡單的助瀉纖維,美安香港的NutriClean™營康淨腸道營養
Why is fiber so important to overall health? 系統運作提供能量來源。此產品還含有兩種經過研究證明的
Unfortunately the average person doesn’t get nearly enough
fiber in their daily diet. This is definitely not good news due to 高品質纖維,即Fibersol-2™與菊糖纖維。我們的纖維粉配方中
the fact that fiber should be among one of the most important 每一份含有15億菌落數的益生菌,這些益生菌在直接或間接保
components of your diet, yet this overlooked nutrient is often 持整體健康上擔當不可或缺的角色。