Page 54 - VISION
P. 54
Astaxanthin Cardio & Visual Vitality Formula
HK14500 – Single Bottle (30 servings)
Primary Benefits: 主要好處:
4 Supports cardiovascular health 4 支援心血管健康
4 May assist in stabilizing blood lipids and 4 或有助穩定血脂及血膽固醇*
blood cholesterol* 4 促進血流健康進出心臟,支援人體輸送營養
4 Promotes healthy blood flow to and from 及清除廢物*
the heart, supporting the body’s delivery of 4 促進視力健康
nutrients and removal of wastes*
4 有助避免眼睛出現氧化壓力
4 Promotes healthy vision
4 有助紓緩使用影像電子產品引致的間歇性眼
4 Helps to prevent oxidative stress in
the eye 部疲勞
4 Helps reduce the occurrence of occasional 4 支援健康眼部血流,有助滋潤眼睛及維持正常
eye fatigue and eye strain associated with 眼睛功能
visual electronics 4 支援眼睛對焦功能
4 Supports healthy blood flow in the eye, 4 提供強效抗氧化防護
promoting nourishment for the eye and 4 或有助穩定血壓*
helping to maintain proper eye function
4 提升肌膚水分及有助維持肌膚彈性,從而促進
4 Supports healthy visual focus
4 Provides powerful antioxidant defense
4 保護骨骼肌免受運動產生的氧化壓力損害,
4 May assist in stabilizing blood pressure* 從而支援肌肉耐力與表現
4 Promotes healthy skin by improving skin
moisture and helping to maintain skin
4 Supports muscle endurance and muscle
performance by protecting the skeletal
muscle from oxidative stress generated
by physical activity
What Makes Prime Astaxanthin Cardio & 蝦紅素-健心明目配方有何獨特之處?
Visual Vitality Formula Unique? Prime蝦 紅 素 - 健 心 明目 配 方 採 用 AstaREAL®蝦紅
Prime Astaxanthin Cardio & Visual Vitality Formula uses 素;AstaREAL蝦紅素優質而穩定,是最純淨和最強效的抗氧
AstaREAL® astaxanthin — with quality and stability, AstaREAL 化物之一。AstaREAL於先進設備內採用精確培育技術,在純
astaxanthin ranks among the purest and most powerful 淨、無菌的環境下製造出100%天然蝦紅素。
antioxidants available. AstaREAL uses precision cultivation
techniques in state-of-the-art facilities, producing only 100
percent natural astaxanthin in a purified, sterile environment. Prime蝦紅素-健心明目配方每使用份量含有6毫克優質蝦
Prime Astaxanthin Cardio & Visual Vitality Formula delivers a 6 紅素-健心明目配方透過其於細胞層面對抗自由基的超卓能
mg serving of this high-grade astaxanthin in a single serving, 力,在邁向長壽的目標上踏進一大步。
providing the optimal amount in every pill. This makes Prime
Astaxanthin a giant step forward in the longevity revolution
through its unequaled ability to combat, at the cellular level — Prime蝦紅素-健心明目配方對抗自
free radicals. 由基的能力固然重要,但要真正發揮
The power of Prime Astaxanthin to fight free radicals is of 蝦紅素配方每使用份量只含有2-4毫
critical importance, but it must also be delivered to the body 克蝦紅素,這份量並不足以為心臟、
in sufficient amounts to be truly effective. Typical astaxanthin
formulations contain only 2-4 mg per serving — an amount 眼睛、皮膚與肌肉傳送所有潛在益
which falls short in delivering all possible benefits for the heart,
eyes, skin and muscles. Prime Astaxanthin Cardio & Visual
Vitality Formula is made exclusively in a 6 mg serving, which
is superior for promoting optimal cardiovascular function,
supporting healthy vision and skin, blood flow and muscular
endurance. Together, the quantity and the quality delivered by
Prime Astaxanthin yields anti-aging benefits second to none.