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Product Name: Snap™ Dishwashing Liquid
HK6203 – Single bottle (946ml)
Primary Benefits: 主要好處:
4 Contains Aloe vera to keep 4 含有蘆薈令雙手肌膚保持柔滑
hands soft 4 有效清除油漬
4 Cuts through grease and oil 4 令碗碟光潔如新
4 Anti-spotting agent leaves 4 泡沫持久足以完成清潔所有
dishes sparkling clean 碗碟
4 Long-lasting suds clean until 4 環保配方 *
the last dish is done 4 中性酸鹼值
4 Environmentally friendly* 4 不損害排污系統
4 Neutral pH 4 一瓶可洗淨320盆碗碟,每
4 Safe for septic systems 次只需使用兩瓶蓋用量
4 One bottle does up to 320
sinks full of dishes and only
two capfuls for each use
What Makes This Product Unique? 此產品有何獨特之處?
Snap™ Dishwashing Liquid is a superior cleaning formula that Snap™ Dishwashing Liquid抗菌洗潔精的超強清潔配方能有
cuts through grease and grime, leaving your dishes sparkling 效清除油漬及污漬,讓你的碗碟清洗後光潔如新。Snap抗菌
clean. Snap Dishwashing Liquid is formulated with Aloe vera
gel to pamper your hands while cutting through even the 洗潔精蘊含蘆薈啫喱,對付頑強污漬同時呵護你的雙手。此
toughest mess. Snap Dishwashing Liquid is safe for all your pots 洗潔精可用於各式瓶罐與鍋盆、精緻瓷器、一般瓷器及酒杯
and pans, fine china, everyday china and wine glasses. Snap 等,還可作為洗手液。Snap清潔精為環保配方,其表面活性
Dishwashing Liquid can also be used as liquid hand soap. Snap 劑及香精油均為生物可分解、不含毒性、不含磷酸及以植物
Dishwashing Liquid is an environmentally friendly dishwashing 為本。Snap Dishwashing Liquid抗菌洗潔精令清潔碗碟變成
solution with biodegradable, nontoxic, phosphate-free and
plant-based surfactants and essential oils. Make dishwashing a 舉手之勞!
snap with Snap Dishwashing Liquid.
Smart Tips to Get the Best Dishwashing 最佳清潔碗碟效果小貼士
Results 將碗碟先浸泡最少五分鐘,之後洗刷
Immerse dishes for over five minutes; then clean and rinse to 並以清水沖洗以達至最佳清潔效果。
achieve the best cleansing effect.
* 利用不含毒性、不含磷酸、生物可分解、以植物
* Made with nontoxic, phosphate-free, biodegradable, plant-based ingredients and 為本之成份組成,包裝瓶塑料可循環再用。
bottled in recyclable plastic.