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Daily exposure to free radicals — contained within the air we 處。Prime蝦紅素-健心明目配方每使用份量提供6毫克蝦紅
breathe and the food we eat — results in ongoing, long-term 素,有效促進理想心血管功能、支援視力與肌膚健康,以及
physical stress. The widespread oxidative stress they cause to all 支援血流及肌肉耐力。Prime蝦紅素-健心明目配方質與量
systems of the body is also believed to be a primary contributor
to what we call the aging process. Prime Astaxanthin works 兩者的配合,提供最卓越的抗衰老功效。
against free radicals by providing powerful antioxidant defense
to help protect the entire body on a cellular level. 我們每天從空氣和食物攝入自由基,對身體帶來持續、長期
Key Ingredients 是引致衰老的主因之一。Prime蝦紅素-健心明目配方提供
Astaxanthin (AstaREAL) 強效的抗氧化防禦,對抗自由基,有助於細胞層面全面保護
Astaxanthin is a carotenoid that gives the reddish pigment 身體。
to salmon, crab, krill and lobster. It is known for its powerful
antioxidant effects and has been shown to be a superior free 主要成份
radical quencher when compared to other antioxidants like
vitamin C, coenzyme Q10 and green tea. Astaxanthin’s unique 蝦紅素(AstaREAL)
structure includes long chains which allow it to cover the cell 蝦紅素是一種類胡蘿蔔素;三文魚、蟹、磷蝦和龍蝦的淡紅色
membrane and provide antioxidant protection in all layers, 都源於蝦紅素。蝦紅素具有強效抗氧化功能,其清除自由基的
whereas other antioxidants are more limited.
A growing body of scientific evidence points to a strong link 蝦紅素的獨特結構具有長鏈,讓其覆蓋細胞膜,於細胞各層提
between natural astaxanthin and cardiovascular health. There 供抗氧化防護;其他抗氧化物的覆蓋層面相對則較局限。
have been 30 cardiovascular-specific research publications,
including 10 clinical studies, investigating possible benefits 越來越多科學數據指出,天然蝦紅素與心血管健康有重大關
of astaxanthin on both blood lipid levels and blood vessels. 連。30個針對心血管的研究發佈(包括10項臨床研究)調查蝦
These studies have shown that astaxanthin may help to 紅素對血脂水平與血管的潛在益處。這些研究顯示,蝦紅素
maintain healthy blood lipids and cholesterol.* Three recent
clinical studies support astaxanthin’s ability to help maintain 或有助穩定血脂及膽固醇。* 三項近期臨床研究支持蝦紅素
healthy blood vessels. A series of human studies suggest that 具有幫助維持血管健康的能力。多項人類研究指出,蝦紅素
astaxanthin may help to maintain normal blood pressure by 透過促進健康血流及血管彈性,或有助穩定血壓。*
promoting healthy blood flow and vascular tone.*
In addition to its effects on cardiovascular health, astaxanthin
promotes healthy visual accommodation and retinal capillary 能及視網膜毛細血管血流。蝦紅素支援視力的確實原理並未
blood flow. The exact mechanism by which astaxanthin 磴實,但部份人相信蝦紅素促進血流至睫狀體,從而為睫狀
supports vision is unknown, though some believe that 體肌肉提供營養;亦有人相信蝦紅素促進正常氧自由基導致
by promoting blood flow to the ciliary body, it provides 的NF-kB活化過程,這或解釋蝦紅素如何幫助紓緩間歇性眼
nourishment for the ciliary muscles. Astaxanthin is also 部疲勞。
believed to promote normal NF-kB activation by oxygen
radicals, which may explain how it helps to alleviate
occasional eye fatigue. 關於Prime蝦紅素-健心明目配方的常見
Frequently Asked Questions about Prime 蝦紅素是甚麼?
Astaxanthin Cardio & Visual Vitality Formula 蝦紅素是一種類胡蘿蔔素;三文魚、蟹、磷蝦和龍蝦的淡紅
What is astaxanthin? 色都源於蝦紅素。蝦紅素具有強效抗氧化功能,其清除自由
Astaxanthin is a carotenoid that gives the reddish pigment 基的能力顯示比多種抗氧化物更加出眾。蝦紅素的獨特結構
to salmon, crab, krill and lobster. It is known for its highly
powerful antioxidant effects and has been shown to be a 具有長鏈,讓其覆蓋細胞膜,於細胞各層提供抗氧化防護;
superior free-radical quencher when compared to many 其他抗氧化物的覆蓋層面相對則較局限。 *
other antioxidants. Astaxanthin’s unique structure includes
long chains, which allow it to cover the cell membrane and Prime蝦紅素-健心明目配方含有的蝦紅素源自哪裡?
provide antioxidant protection in all layers, whereas other 本產品只採用AstaREAL蝦紅素;AstaREAL蝦紅素在位於瑞
antioxidants are more limited.*
Where is the astaxanthin in Prime Astaxanthin Cardio 藻)製成。與非商標蝦紅素不同,AstaREAL蝦紅素生產過程
& Visual Vitality Formula sourced from? 的品質控制與一致性標準極高。AstaREAL蝦紅素的質量與穩
This product uses only AstaREAL astaxanthin, which 定性具有保證,常被用於營養應用方面的臨床研究及測試。
is manufactured from carefully cultivated microalgae
(Haematococcus pluvialis) in state-of-the-art facilities located 甚麼人應使用Prime蝦紅素-健心明目配方?
in Gustavsberg, Sweden. In contrast to generic varieties, 希望支援心血管健康、強效抗氧化防護,以及促進視力健康
AstaREAL astaxanthin is unsurpassed for quality control and
consistency in manufacture. Guaranteed for quality and 和肌肉耐力與表現的成年人。
stability, AstaREAL astaxanthin is frequently selected for clinical
research and testing in nutritional applications.