Page 50 - VISION
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it holds water, which improves intestinal functions by making   進人體健康。水果、蔬菜、穀類、豆類、堅果及茶等都是植物
        it easier to move foods and waste products. Fiber is important   營養的豐富來源。
        for  a  number  of  things  including  supporting  normal  bowel
        movement, normal cholesterol levels and blood sugar levels.
        What is the difference between soluble and             纖維對健康有益是因為它能增加進食食物的體積,讓你更快
        insoluble fiber?                                       擁有飽肚的感覺。在消化道裏,纖維佔有的體積能儲存水份,
        The fibers found in most foods are generally a mixture of both.    這讓食物或廢物能在腸內更容易流動,從而改善腸道功能。
        Soluble fiber dissolves in water and can be broken down by   纖維在幾方面擔當重要角色,包括促進正常腸道活動、保持
        bacterial enzymes in the body. Soluble fibers bind with fatty
        acids,  and  prevent  the  stomach  from  emptying  quickly  that   膽固醇及血糖水平正常。
        sugar is released and absorbed slowly. Therefore soluble fiber
        supports  normal  blood  sugar  levels,  and  cholesterol  levels.   水溶性與非水溶性纖維有何不同?
        Insoluble  fiber  passes  through  the  intestines  mostly  intact   大部份食物所含有的纖維都是這兩者的混合。水溶性纖維可
        because it does not dissolve in water and is not digested by   溶於水中,而且易於被人體內的細菌酵素分解。水溶纖維與脂
        human-produced enzymes. Insoluble fiber moves bulk through
        the intestines. Consequently it helps to promote regular bowel   肪酸黏在一起,延長胃部的飽肚時間,因此糖份能慢慢地釋放
        movement and to remove waste from the colon in less time.  並被吸收。這樣,可溶性纖維就促進正常血糖水平及膽固醇水
        What are probiotics?                                   因為它不能溶於水中,而且不會被人體產生的酵素所消化。
        Probiotics  are  dietary  supplements  that  most  commonly   非水溶纖維推動食物通過腸道,能有助於促進正常的腸道活
        contain lactic acid bacteria. Probiotics help to form beneficial
        temporary colonies, which may assist the body in the same   動,縮短結腸排出廢物的時間。
        functions  as  the  natural  flora  in  the  gut,  while  allowing  the
        natural  flora  time  to  recover  from  depletion.  The  probiotic   甚麼是益生菌?
        strains are then progressively replaced by a naturally developed   益生菌是食用的補給品,一般含有乳酸菌(英文簡稱為LAB)。益
        gut flora.
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