Page 15 - MNLGA Free State Summer 2024_WEB
P. 15

        International Leadership Alumni Conference (ILAC)

        Legislatively, one could say that
        California is not a very “ag-friendly”
        state; one consistent message from
        our host farmers was that every year
        they seem to lose ground in terms
        of respect and appreciation for their
        work, as well as tangible tools to
        complete the work of farming. Many
        of us on the tour could appreciate
        our peers’ woes.

        One of the neatest things I saw was a
        tractor that “painted” lines of fertilizer
        on rows of lettuce seedlings, using AI
        and imagery to determine where to
        spray the fertilizer. The purpose was
                                             Field of Brussels sprouts, just about ready for harvesting
        to fertilize the seedlings that were
        to be thinned, leaving the precise             Fertilizer “stripes” generated by precision
                                                       imagery, to thin romaine seedlings      

                                             Painting on the docks at Cannery Row
        room needed for remaining plants to
        grow and thrive. The fertilizer served
        to both “burn” out the undesired
        seedlings and provide some nutrients
        to the remaining seedlings.
        Another really interesting visit was
        to Taylor Farms, which processes
        15 million (yes, million) pounds of
        vegetables a day, for retail and
        commercial markets. Commercial
        markets include schools, convention
                            (continued on next page)   The “Salad Bowl of the World,” nestled between the Gabilan and Santa Lucia mountain ranges

                                                                                             Membership Matters • SUMMER 2024   15
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