Page 19 - MNLGA Free State Summer 2024_WEB
P. 19

Family-owned and operated Riverview Farms; the Valley’s
   only cannabis grower.

                                             These cannabis greenhouses were abandoned by a cut flower grower several decades ago.

                                             world-famous Monterey Aquarium,       journey and join ILAC September 2-5,
                                             also well-worth the visit.            2025, when it meets in Lancaster, PA.
                                                                                   For those of you who’ve been hearing
                                             My overall takeaway from this
                                                                                   me talk about LEAD for the past 20
                                             trip is the reminder that there are
                                                                                   years and still have not pursued the
                                             plenty of other farmers across the
                                                                                   fellowship, I encourage you to start
                                             country that have the same issues
   “Mother” plants, from which all other plants will be   as we in Maryland. They fight the   listening and processing the benefit
   propagated.                                                                     this program can have for you. The
                                             same battles – weather, pests,
                                                                                   next class will not be seated until fall
                                             legislation and regulations that
                                                                                   2025, however, it’s never too early to
                                             seem to want to discourage ag
                                                                                   start thinking and pondering your
                                             production, etc. To immerse oneself
                                                                                   future as a LEAD MD Fellow. A
                                             in others’ experiences and to expand
                                             one’s network to include other        More information may be found:
                                             professionals with similar issues,
                                             challenges, and goals, is a worthy
                                             endeavor with potential for unknown   LEAD Maryland: www. https://
                                             future benefit.             
                                             To my peer LEAD fellows, I encourage
                                             you to continue your leadership
   One pound of sellable product; worth about $500.                                maryland

                                                                                            Membership Matters • SUMMER 2024   19
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