Page 16 - MNLGA Free State Summer 2024_WEB
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centers, hospitals, etc. Taylor Farms innovative agricultural leaders
has 15 processing plants in the U.S., operate differently from their peers
and its products are distributed to how one may apply their unique
throughout the US. life experiences to strengthen their
leadership skills, as well as how
We had the opportunity to see
listening to another’s story may help
the highly automated and robotic
one to understand and effectively
process from raw input to bagged
work with others. There were updates
output. The chief products include
regarding the Farm Bill, as well as
bagged lettuces, vegetables, and
industry scholarship.
salads. Taylor Farms has diversified
by producing its own “sides,” such Perhaps the most enjoyable
as coleslaw, potato salad, and session was the fireside chat with
puddings. When the growing season Leon Panetta. His presentation
in the Salinas Valley slows, the Taylor was absolutely fascinating! Mr.
Farms team actually moves all of Panetta (I’m not sure which term to
Beehive harvesting at Hooper Hives
its equipment and much of its staff address him with – Congressman,
to Yuma, Arizona, where they pick Secretary, Director, Chief…) offered
up food processing to follow the his experiences in management
Arizona growing season. It is less and how his humble beginnings
expensive and more efficient to move as the son of first-generation
the equipment and people than Americans shaped his work ethic
it is to transport the fresh food for and attitudes. He offered insights
processing in Salinas. into his philosophy of leadership, of
which there are two types: Lead with
In addition to the tours, we had
confidence and from the front, or
a day and a half of educational
sessions. Topics ranged from how
(continued on next page)
Historical Fisherman’s Wharf, Monterey
16 SUMMER 2024 • Free State News