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4                                                                  Chapter 1

        approximately 4 Joules are required to raise the temperature of 1 gram water by 1°C. Thereby,
        the  macroscopic electrodynamics considers electric and magnetic fields and all values
        connected to them  might be  averaged and continuous. There is similar approach is in the
        handling of electrical charges, the main source of electromagnetic waves. Experiments show
        that an  electrical  charge is quantized and the smallest charge portion is only   =
        1.60217657x10 −19  Coulombs which corresponds to the charge of an electron (- e), proton (+
        e), muon (- e), and several other elementary particles. Note that such elementary particles as
        quarks and antiquarks carry  fractional charges  ± 2 3  or ± 1 3, i.e. less  than that of an
        electron. Consequently, in macroscopic electrodynamics charge quantization is disregarded,
        and the averaged charge distribution is considered continuous. In other words, this book about
        the continuum electrodynamics that lets us define physical objects of infinitesimal physical sizes
        and introduce the limits like lim (∆ ∆), where  the charge  ∆   is spread continuously
        throughout a volume  ∆   . As long as possible we will stay inside the borders of classical
        electrodynamics and  just go  beyond to some  extent analyzing  the interaction  of electromagnetic
        waves  with  matter.  Electromagnetic waves  of different  frequencies  are  an integral part of our
        life.  We  cannot  escape  them,  our  body  itself  generates  them,  we  used  them  extensively  for
        communication,  broadcasting,  energy  generation  and  transportation,  visualization, etc.  The
        range  of  electromagnetic  waves  ordered  by frequency  in  cycles  per second either wavelength
        in meters, or energy of single photon in electron volts is called the electromagnetic  spectrum
        and  shown  in  Figure  1.1.1 .  The  portion  of  the  spectrum  that  is  generally out of the reach of
        classical electrodynamics is marked in rose.  Note that outside Maxwell’s classical equations
        there remains such phenomena as the radiation and absorption of electromagnetic waves of
        ultra-high  frequencies  (e.g.,  light),  photoelectric  effect,  single-photon  light  detector,  and
        many other effects involving quantum phenomena.
         1.1.2  Vector and Scalar Fields

        Classical electrodynamics describes a  broad range  of  electromagnetic phenomena  through
        four vectors of electromagnetic fields (see Table 1.1) depending on time and three Cartesian
        coordinates (x, y, z) or one vector  =   +   +  , where  ,  ,   are the basis vectors
        of unit length (see Figure A1 of the Appendix).
                                                                            Table 1.1
             Field Vector                          Denotation
               E(, )        Electric field strength, defined by force interaction
               B(, )   Magnetic induction strength, determined by force interaction
               D(, )                Electric displacement strength
               H(, )                  Magnetic field strength

        Four scalar primary sources of these fields are listed in Table 1.2.
                                                                            Table 1.2
               Source                              Denotation
                (, )                  Electric charge

        1  Public Domain Image, source:
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