Page 26 - Maxwell House
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6                                                                  Chapter 1

            other  words, Maxwell’s equations solutions  must  be preserved  against such “gauge
            freedom. ” One of such “ gauge protector” is the electric charge conservation law, which
            states that the charges can neither be created nor destroyed in an isolated system. Until
            now no experimental data are challenging this law.
        2.  Electromagnetic energy conservation related to the symmetry under translation in time.
            We must be sure that the same physical process exhibits the same outcomes regardless of
            place or time (for example, electromagnetic wave propagation in free space are the same
            at any time in America on a Monday or in Poland on a Sunday). This law means that the
            total amount of any energy in an isolated system can be neither created nor lost, though
            energy keeps the ability to transform from one form to another, to be transferred from one
            object  to  another  inside  the  isolated  system.  Even more  importantly,  the  law  of
            electromagnetic energy conservation in the  form  of Poynting’s theorem leads to the
            uniqueness of Maxwell’s equations solutions under certain like boundary conditions.
        3.  Linear momentum conservation related to the symmetry under translation in space. This
            conservation law is the electrodynamics analog of Newton’s 3  law of motion - “Every
            action has an equal and opposite reaction.” Note that linear momentum is associated with
            Poynting’s vector, which  will be discussed later  in Chapter 3, and radiation pressure
            exerted upon physical objects. The reality of such pressure was proved experimentally by
            Russian physicist Pyotr N. Lebedev in 1900.
        4.  Angular momentum conservation related to the symmetry under rotation in space. This law
            is the rotation analog of linear momentum conservation law is the electrodynamics analog
            of Newton's 1  law of motion - "A body continues in a state of rest or of uniform rotation
            unless acted by an external  torque." Note that angular  momentum is associated  with
            Poynting’s vector, which will be discussed later in Chapter 3.

        Why did we pay so much attention to energy consideration? “The study of energy has played a
        pivotal role in understanding the creation of the universe, the origin of life, the evolution of
        human civilization and culture, economic growth and the  rise of living  standards,  war and
        geopolitics, and significant environmental change at local, regional and global scales. Virtually
        every discipline investigates some aspect of energy, including history, anthropology, public
        policy, international relations, human and ecosystem health, economics, technology, physics,
        geology, ecology, business management, environmental science, and engineering.”[1]
        1.2.3   Nothing Exists Until It Is Measured

        EM processes are mainly invisible. The only way to make it concrete and measurable is to
        convert something invisible into readable data for an observer, using special sensors sensitive
        to EM processes. Practically, all such sensors are based on an exchange between different forms
        of energy while taking some energy from the monitored system. For example, a voltmeter as
        shown in Figure 1.1.2  “seizes” a minute invisible portion of electrical current energy from
        connected batteries and converts it into the kinetic energy of rotating coil in voltmeter and
        visible movement of the pointer across a scale. As results, the EM phenomena, as with many
        processes in physics associated with the storage or propagation of energy that can be measured,
        becomes a reality through the measurements.

        2  Public Domain Image, source:
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