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270                                                       ANTENNA BASICS

        other infrastructure damage (see Figure 5.6.10b ). Potential applications of this technology
        include remote mine detonation [32], antipersonnel weapon systems, missile defense system,
        disabling of LEO satellite, lightly armored vehicles such as cars, drones, jet skis, small boats,

        Note in conclusion that we entirely devoted this chapter to primary antenna philosophy and its
        performance. The attentive reader probably observes that we practically avoided the critical
        issue  of  antenna feed and  its  interface  with  another  system  components  like  generators or
        receivers. We touched on this subject from time to time but did not answer the central question
        of how to realize them practically. Let us now proceed to the next chapter.


        [1]    Attenuation in  Vegetation,  Recommendation ITU-R P.833-8 of United Nations
               specialized agency for information and communication technologies (ITU), P Series,
               September 2013,
        [2]    N. J. Willis, Bistatic Radar, Artech House, 1991.
        [3]    Li, Jian, Petre Stoica. MIMO radar–diversity means superiority, Proceedings of the
               14th Adaptive Sensor Array Processing Workshop (ASAP’06), 2009.
        [4]    Antenna Design for MIMO Systems,
        [5]    Antenna Handbook, Theory, Applications, and Design, Edited by Y.T. Lo and S.W.
               Lee, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company Inc., 1988
        [6]    C. L. Dolph, ‘‘A  Current Distribution  for Broadside  Arrays,  which Optimizes the
               Relationship Between Beamwidth and Sidelobe Level,’’ Proc. IRE, Vol. 34, June 1946
        [7]    R.S.Elliot "Antenna theory and design", John Wiley &Sons, 2003
        [8]    R. J. Stegen, “Excitation Coefficients and Beamwidths of Tschebyscheff array,” Proc.
               IRE, Vol. 41, June 1953.
        [9]    Lars Josefsson, Patrik Persson, Conformal Array Antenna Theory and Design, IEEE
               Press, 2006
        [10]   H. Singh, R. Chandini, R. M. Jha, Rakesh Mohan, Low Profile Conformal Antenna
               Arrays on High Impedance Substrate, Springer, 2016
        [11]   Signal Source Solutions for Coherent and Phase Stable Multi-Channel Systems,
               Application Note,
        [12]   G. K. Mahanti and A. Chakrabarty, Phase-only and Amplitude-Phase Synthesis of
               Dual-Pattern  Linear  Antenna  Arrays  Using  Floating-Point  Genetic  Algorithms,
               Progress In Electromagnetics Research, PIER 68, 2007,
        [13]   Jorge Nocedal and Stephen J. Wright, Numerical Optimization, 2  Edition, Springer,

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