Page 50 - Maxwell House
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30                                                                 Chapter 1

                                                   − x  −  =                 (1.45)
                           0            Now,  we can populate  the left  wall of Maxwell’s
                                        House  with  new residents     as shown in Figure
                 q                      1.6.12    Is Magnetic Inductance Real and Can Be
                 qv           -         Measured?
                                        Sure. Let us put an infinitesimal sensor #3 in the field
                                        to pick up measurable portion of magnetic energy ∆
                                        from the field. According to (1.21) and (1.37)

                                                    ∆ = ∆  =  ∘ (∆  x ) =  ∘
                                                          (∆  x ∆)  [W⋅s]             (1.46)
                                        As we have mentioned before, the natural model of the
                                        current sensor #3 with known current density ∆  is
             Figure 1.6.11a Left wall of                                        
            Maxwell’s House population   the short section of conductive wire with infinitesimal
                                        cross section. If so, the  magnetic inductance  field
                                        transfers its energy  ∆   to the kinetic energy of
        moving wire element. Therefore, appraising the wire movement direction we can define the
        magnetic inductance vector orientation. Then  measuring  ∆   and  knowing  | ∆ |  we can
        calculate the magnetic inductance strength as a double limit
                                        || = lim                              (1.47)
                                             Δ  →0 |∆  ||∆|
                                             | ∆ |→0
        Consequently, we can define the magnetic inductance strength as the magnetic energy required
        to move the infinitesimal element carrying the volume current density 1A/m  at distance 1m.
        1.6.13  Gauss’s Law for Magnetic Field (Axiom #3). 4  Maxwell’s Equation
        Gauss’s law expresses the total flux of magnetic fields at any moment of time through the closed
        surface area  of any shape (see Figure 1.6.5a where the electric charges are replaced with
        magnetic monopoles) and can be written as

                                        ∯  ∘  =                  (1.48)
        The equity (1.48) is the 4  Maxwell’s equation in the integral form in Table 1.7. Here  () is
        the total magnetic charge within some volume V at any current moment of time.
        If you have some concerns that nobody has ever seen magnetic monopole, and not for lack of
        looking, you always can put  = 0. Maxwell’s equations will survive but loose some beauty
        of symmetry. Hence, we would like to keep it. As John Preskill pointed out in [18] that “The
        case for its (magnetic monopole) existence is surely as strong as the case for any other
        undiscovered particle.” That is not the single argument but the further discussion is a bit beyond

        this book subject. Transforming (1.48) in the same way as (1.26) with the volume density  
        defined by (1.10) we can get the point-to-point or differential form of 4  Maxwell’s equation
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