Page 37 - Microsoft Word - Thinking like a wallaby 14DEC16.doc
P. 37
Chapter 6. But then again…….
There may some other animals that you think would be better role models for the way
you solve problems – you might not agree with my sort of thinking. Maybe you know
more about possums or lizards and prefer their ways of thinking. Perhaps you feel I’ve
been unfair to cows and crocodiles, or that I’m completely wrong about elephants.
Perhaps you think that sharks are more creative thinkers than wallabies.
If you have a different opinion, I’m really pleased because it shows that you are thinking
for yourself and that is very, very important. Feel free to write to me and tell me your
ideas – what sort of animal thinking suits you best? What other ideas do you have? Has
any of this worked well for you? Or has it worked badly for you? I’d really like to know
so, if you have access to the internet, send me your thoughts by email to
I’d like to think that, having understood this way of dealing with your own problems, you
will now be able to help other people with theirs’ - tell them about the different ways of
looking at problems and suggest how they could think through things in helpful ways.
You could become one of the ants they could work with, or even a friendly monkey.
Finally, let me remind you once more, there is (almost) never a single ‘right’ solution. It
is up to you to choose the solution that you believe is the best one at the time and that
will have the best results for everyone involved. That must be your decision – the
animals can only help to guide your thinking towards the ‘best’ solution.
That’s it. Now, let’s be good wallabies and hop off.