Page 8 - Listado de precios Pertici-2019/2020
P. 8
On board PC Hardware includes:
• CPU Card
• Mouse - Keyboard
• Colour Monitor LCD 19"
• Ethernet card for network connection
• Serial port and USB port
• Hard-Disk SSD
• USB port, Memory Data Storage
User Licence for Windows 7 Professional Operating System
P-CAM SOFTWARE (INCLUDED IN THE PRICE) : DXF/DWG Import. 3D profile graphics. Standard
macros. Automatic clamp positioning. Parametrized tool chart. Parametric variable of the macros.
Import of HIL format. Export in HIL format. Management of the 120mm mill disk. Graphic display
of macro positioning value/measure. Management of double working area (only for P107).
Import of NCW files. Import of files from Camplus. Statistics and Service Alert. Tapping
management. Advanced Milling disk Macro. Counter profiles management. 50 different Fonts
for “writing” macros. Free Macro imported from DXF/DWG. Clamp positioning advanced
system. Processing mirroring. Work step optimization through a DXF profile. Prospective display.
Graphic display of material removal on a finished piece.
P-CAM ADVANCED PLUS SOFTWARE (OPTION): Import of profiles in STEP format with
identification of the basic macros. Parameterization of processing data with 2 different
Numerical Control Software
• HMI (Human Machine Interface): Display of axes positions, clamps, electrospindle rotation,
control of axes jogs, lubrication, etc.
• Tools Table: For storing the parameters of the tools used during machining.
• CNC Setting Tables: Machine parameters tables for adjusting the configuration of and for
maintenance of the machine (axes lengths, origins, number of clamps, machine mapping for
software correction, etc.).
ISO Language Editor
ISO platform
Service Remote Connection Software
The CNC can be remotely accessed by Pertici’s Service Department. This is achieved through an
Internet connection by LAN connection (Ethernet Card). This remote accessibility provides for fast
and convenient software updates and upgrades as well as detailed analysis of all machine
parameters for maintenance purposes.
N . 5 Tool holder HSK-F50 balanced at 24.000 rpm;
N. 5 Slotted collets DIN 6499;
N.5 High speed Mills (HM) with the following diameters: 4 - 5 - 6 - 8 - 10
- 8 - This Price List cancels and replaces the previuos one