Page 9 - Listado de precios Pertici-2019/2020
P. 9
PLY CNC vertical Machining Centre on 4 Axes 85.000,00
Z02596 Tool length measuring device 650,00
ZXXXXX Independent clamps positioning system 6.200,00
17K812 Tool holder clamper 375,00
Z02547 Air cooling device for tool 950,00
Z02569 UPS unit 600,00
Z02545 Bar code reader 350,00
Z00XXX Integral Protection of the cabin 3.300,00
Z02536 Additional set of 2 clamps 3.800,00
Z02595 Pneumatic referencestop on central area 1.100,00
Z02538 Side tunnel 600,00
Z02539 Electric board conditioner 1.200,00
Z0XXXX Cabin insonorization 2.100,00
Z02542 Plus tool kit (n.2 cones HSK-F50 complete + N.1 cutter disk d.120mm) 900,00
Z02549 Set of clamps width = 280 for P107 1.700,00
Z02534 Set of clamps width = 260 for P107 1.100,00
Z02543 P-CAM Advanced 1.800,00
Z02544 P-CAM Advanced Plus 3.000,00
- 9 - This Price List cancels and replaces the previuos one