Page 6 - Listado de precios Pertici-2019/2020
P. 6
PLM5 CNC Vertical Machining centre on 4 axes 79.500,00
Z01644 Machine Full Enclosure 2.500,00
Z01671 Cabin insonorization 1.700,00
Z01609 Additional Clamps 2.350,00
Z01653 Additonal price Electric spindle HSK-63F 1.400,00
Z01605 Additonal price Electric spindle 7,5KW, 10HP,24000 rpm HSK 2.400,00
Z01630 Bar code reader 350,00
Z01628 Empowered lubrication System 1.700,00
Z01635 Air cooling system 980,00
Z01641 Blinking Light 980,00
Z01650 X axis tool magazin 4+4 positions HSK-63F 4.650,00
Z01656 Tool magazine on basement 12 positions HSK-63F 4.650,00
Z01655 Tool magazine on basement 12 positions ISO30 4.650,00
Z01619 Tool magazine on basement 8 positions ISO30 3.250,00
Z00785 Upgrade from 8pcs tool magazine on base to X axis tool magazine 4+4 only HSK-63F
Z00784 Autom. tool change upgrade from 8 to 12 positions 1.400,00
Z00783 Counetr blocks level 4 L300 clamps - special clamps with 340mm opening 1.675,00
Z00782 Counter blocks level 3 to support the profiles placed on the support planes 750,00
Z00781 Counter blocks level 2 machine and operator side with different height 400,00
Z00780 Counter blocks level 1 operator side with different thickness 160,00
Z00779 Angular head with 2 exits to end mill and to drill 3.500,00
Z01668 UPS unit 600,00
19K624 Teach Pendant RS 422 2.060,00
Z01823 Belt Conveyor for scrap MC400 3.100,00
Z01645 Advanced 3D CAD-CAM 2.650,00
Z01646 Advanced 3D CAD-CAM Plus 4.500,00
18k896 Import File NCW format 2.600,00
- 6 - This Price List cancels and replaces the previuos one