Page 5 - Listado de precios Pertici-2019/2020
P. 5

N. 8 CLAMP CONE ISO 30 balanced at 24,000 rpm, Collets and standard
            HSS cutters included.
            The same must be chosen in a specific catalogue
            User Licence for Windows 7 Professional Operating System
            User Licence For The Advanced 3D Software
            It provides Graphic, macros’ programming, parametric functions, automatic adjustment of clamps’
            positioning, manual adjustment of clamps’ positioning, inclined planes management, profile extrusion with
            DXF files’ sections, profiles’ placing with rotation along the horizontal axis, profiles’ placing with specularity
            of the section, simulation with tools’ visualization, importing of bars/machinings from HIL and HML files
            (Hicam native xml formats)
            The machining center functions are managed by an interface based on windows.
            N. 2 Dongle Keys for second software installation on laptop or office PC

            Numerical Control Software
            • HMI (Human Machine Interface): Display of axes positions, clamps, electrospindle rotation, control of axes
            jogs, lubrication, etc.
            • Tools Table: For storing the parameters of the tools used during machining.
            • CNC Setting Tables: Machine parameters tables for adjusting the configuration of and for maintenance of
            the machine (axes lengths, origins, number of clamps, machine mapping for software correction, etc.).
            ISO Language Editor
            ISO platform
            Service Remote Connection Software
            The CNC can be remotely accessed by Pertici’s Service Department. This is achieved through an Internet
            connection by LAN connection (Ethernet Card). This remote accessibility provides for fast and convenient
            software updates and upgrades as well as detailed analysis of all machine parameters for maintenance

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