P. 4
3) The Lander and Rover were supposed to
have a lifespan of only 14 days - hence, the
data collection would have been limited to
the collection of samples of the moon's
surface - to enable analysis of the mineral and
elemental content. Another Mission of the
Lander was to study the lunar atmosphere,
plot the temperature profile and measure
seismic activity.
4) Chandrayaan 2 was scheduled to travel
3,84,000 kms from takeoff to touchdown.
Everything went as planned till 3,83,998 kms .
The Mission failed just 2 kms short of
touchdown - a mere 0.0005 % short.
5) Chandrayaan 2 was to be in motion for
67,700 minutes, from takeoff to touchdown.
Everything went perfectly till the last 7 minutes
before touchdown. This means an error
percentage of just 0.0001
6) Till now , only USA , Russia and China have
soft-landed on moon. None of them landed
The first US mission to the Moon
anywhere near the South Pole.
in August 17, 1958 - the launch of
Pioneer 0 was a failure.
Out of the total 109 moon-
landings attempted till now , 48
have failed.
v o l a t i l e U n c e r t a i n C o m p l e x A m b i g u o u s
S o u r c e : I S R O , S p a c e . c o m S e p t e m b e r 2 0 1 9