P. 4

3) The Lander and Rover were supposed to
      have a lifespan of only 14 days - hence, the
      data collection would have been limited to

      the collection of samples of the moon's

      surface - to enable analysis of the mineral and
      elemental content. Another Mission of the
      Lander was to study the lunar atmosphere,

      plot the temperature profile and measure
                                                                               THE STORY OF
      seismic activity.

                                                                  CHANDRAYAAN 2
      4)  Chandrayaan  2  was  scheduled  to  travel
      3,84,000  kms  from  takeoff  to  touchdown.
      Everything went as planned till 3,83,998 kms .

      The  Mission  failed  just  2  kms  short  of
      touchdown - a mere 0.0005 % short.

      5)  Chandrayaan  2  was  to  be  in  motion  for

      67,700  minutes,  from  takeoff  to  touchdown.
      Everything went perfectly till the last 7 minutes
      before  touchdown.  This  means  an  error

      percentage of just 0.0001

      6)  Till now , only USA , Russia and China have
      soft-landed on moon.   None of them   landed
                                                                                   The first US mission to the Moon
      anywhere  near  the  South Pole.
                                                                                   in August 17, 1958 - the launch of
                                                                                   Pioneer 0 was a failure.
                                                                                   Out  of  the  total  109  moon-
                                                                                   landings attempted till now , 48
                                                                                   have failed.

               v o l a t i l e   U n c e r t a i n   C o m p l e x A m b i g u o u s

       S o u r c e :  I S R O ,  S p a c e . c o m                                               S e p t e m b e r  2 0 1 9
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