P. 9
5 Top AI Trends
TAARINI KAUR DANG, 14 Year Old, 9 Grade
Student in Silicon Valley, Venture Capitalist
Top trends in Here are 5 significant AI trends to look forward:
AI 1. AI Powered Chips are needed to speed up the operations of
applications - especially those which involve facial recognition,
object identification etc. - which require complex
mathematical computations in parallel.
2. Internet of Things has disrupted many industries
in the recent past and is merging with AI
to help decongest traffic, improve
production efficiencies, anticipate
manufacturing breakdowns in
factories etc.
3. Automated Machine Learning
is revolutionizing business analytics.
Complex problems will be solved
without training the machines manually.
Instead of getting stuck in the process of
training, analysts will focus on core application issues.
4. The Rise of Facial Recognition
Although, it had its challenges last year - due to the breach of
personal data by Facebook - facial recognition is on the rise. It
is an artificial intelligence application, and its readability and
accuracy are improving exponentially. This will also help
security agencies identify rogue elements in society.
v o l a t i l e U n c e r t a i n C o m p l e x A m b i g u o u s
S o u r c e : Ta a r i n i K a u r D a n g , F O R B E S . S e p t e m b e r 2 0 1 9