P. 13


                                                                THAN NUCLEAR WEAPONS

                                                         Recently, USA and Russia pulled out of a key Nuclear
      HaCKERS : bigger danger THaN
                                                         Agreement and have restarted building of nuclear weapons.
      NUCLEAR WEAPONS                                    Iran and North Korea are test-launching missiles.  Clearly, the
                                                         World faces a serious nuclear threat.

                                                         However, many believe that Hacking could be an even more
                                                         serious threat to Humanity - especially because it is less
                                                         visible to the public.  So far, most of the well-known hacking
                                                         incidents, even those with backing of foreign governments,
                                                               have done little more than steal data.

                                                                                      Unfortunately, there are signs that hackers
                                                                                                   have placed malicious software inside US
                                                                                                            Power and Water Systems, where
                                                                                                            they are awaiting activation.

                                                                                                            Reportedly, U.S. military has also
                                                                                                            penetrated the computers that
                                                                                                            control Russian electrical systems.

                                                                                                            It is quite possible that a cyberattack
                                                                                                            starts in one area and then spreads
                                                                                                            to many other areas, causing
                                                                                                            significant damage, including mass
                                                                                                            injury and deaths.

                                                                                                            Unlike a nuclear weapon, which
                                                                                      would immediately kill almost everyone within
                                                                                      a radius of 500 metres , the death toll from
                                                                        most cyberattacks would be slower and people might
                                                         die from lack of food , water , electricity , failure of traffic
                                                         signals etc.

                                                         Hacking affects routine life also; 600000 Facebook accounts
                                                         are hacked every day.

                                                         Unfortunately, there are no guaranteed ways to protect
                                                         ourselves against hacking.

               v o l a t i l e   U n c e r t a i n   C o m p l e x A m b i g u o u s

                                      t h
     S o u r c e :  J e r e m y  S t r a u b ,  2 7  A u g  1 9                                  S e p t e m b e r  2 0 1 9
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